Worcester Safe Space

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Your donation helps us to provide Safe Space for the community. Thank you for your support!

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What is the Worcester Safe Space?

The Worcester Safe Space is a new project under Worcester BIDs program, aimed at providing safer nights for vulnerable individuals. Safe Space was introduced on the 15th of December 2023 and is a mobile van that serves as a haven at night, offering first response first aid care, reducing the strain on the NHS in the A&E department during night-time economy hours. Additionally, it provides a space for support and conversation and access to water and clothing if required, ensuring a safe night out in the city. Worcester BID will provide the Safe Space, with support from West Mercia Police, Worcester University, Worcester Street Pastors, and other key organisations.


As seen on BBC and Free Radio

Operation Times

The space operates on Friday and Saturday nights between the hours of 10 pm & 4 am, as well as supporting other large city events and University of Worcester Welcome Week.


Paramedic support is located at Safe Space Worcester. Provided by local medical team, RTN Medical, Safe Space supports the triage of individuals using the night time economy. Our aim is to reduce the strain on A&E by addressing those who require medical attention within the city, allowing minor injuries to be dealt with at the Safe Space.

Our paramedic team can also test for drugs and alcohol, improving our triaging process. Mental health support will also be available.

Safe Space is supported by the Worcester Street Pastor’s, who provide welfare support. Further to this, Safe Space has facilities to give people a safe space to wait, a change of clothes and bottled water.

To ensure that patrons of the nighttime economy are cared for and get home safe, Worcester Safe Space offers taxi finder support, security alarms, drink stop tops and mobile phone charging.

June Operation Times

The below dates show when Safe Space will be on our streets.

Download the helpful poster to your phone to help you remember where the van is and at what time!

Saturday 1ST

Friday 7TH

Saturday 8TH

Friday 14TH

Saturday 15TH

Friday 21ST

Saturday 22ND

Friday 28TH

Saturday 29TH

The Latest Stats

How can my business support Worcester Safe Space?
Worcester Safe Space is supported by Supporting Partners and Community Partners.

Our Community Partners help us provide essential items towards the Safe Space to support with operations. For example:

Personal bottles of water
Tea/coffee/sugar/powdered milk
Plain biscuits
Tissues/Kitchen roll
Medium bin liners
Cleaning products - disinfectant, rubber gloves, buckets
Female hygiene products
Hair ties
Charging devices for Android/iPhone
Clothing: basic T-shirts, jogging bottoms, leggings (S/M/L/XL)