Below listed are some of the locations within Worcester city centre where a defibrillator is housed.

If you are a business with a defibrillator and you are not on this list, please get in touch and we’ll ensure that your details are added.


Business Name Location of Defibrillator
Crowngate Shopping Centre (Chapel Walk) AED defibrillator is in a fire exit corridor next to Warhammer.


The door has an AED sign on it for fast and easy recognition.


The door is external to the Centre and not completely in view of CCTV.


Please ring the 24/7 Security Team on 01905 610065, explain who you are, where you are and request use of the AED.


They will quickly despatch a team member to give you access.


Crowngate Shopping Centre (Friary Walk) AED defibrillator is in the fire exit corridor next to Rymans.


The door has an AED sign on it for fast and easy recognition.


To open the door, push the bar, the AED is in a wall mounted box on the right- hand side of the corridor.


Simply open the box to access it.


Cathedral Square Management office

(alert Cathedral Square Security to gain access)

Fitness for Less Behind the Fitness for Less Reception Desk
Guildhall Bottom of Main Staircase
Heart of Worcestershire College Main Reception of All Saint’s Building
Marks & Spencer Bureau de Change, First Floor next to the Café
Museum and Art Gallery Reception
The Hive Inside the main entrance, on the left