The Penguin Patrol is Recruiting: Worcester to welcome 100 Young Guardians for The Waddle of Worcester Art Trail!

On Monday, July 29th, Worcester will see a flurry of excitement as 100 children join the Penguin Patrol at Angel Place from 12:30 PM. This event marks the beginning of a unique initiative designed to engage the city’s young residents with The Waddle of Worcester art trail and its ongoing care.

The BID Safer Streets team, in collaboration with West Mercia Police’s Safer Neighbourhood Team, will host the Penguin Patrol Event, where children will receive police-style helmets and penguin stickers. The highlight of the event will be the teaching of the ‘Waddle Drill,’ ensuring that young participants learn the best ways to treat the penguin sculptures with care and respect.

This initiative is a proud partnership between Worcester BID, West Mercia Police, and The Waddle of Worcester.

Safer Neighbourhood Inspector for Worcester, Tanya Beckett, said: “We are delighted to support our community partners at Worcester BID during St Richard’s Hospice’s Waddle of Worcester art trail this summer and give the young people of the city a chance to go out on ‘Penguin Patrol’.

Please look out for our engagement van when you bring your family along to the trail for the chance to get some fun freebies for your budding police cadets!

This summer we will also continue to be working with partners at Worcester BID, Worcester University, Worcester Street Pastors, and other key organisations to run the Safe Space providing safer nights for vulnerable individuals.

The Safe Space mobile van serves as a haven at night, offering first response first aid care, reducing the strain on the NHS in the A&E department during night-time economy hours.”

Samantha McCarthy, CEO for Worcester BID added: “We’re thrilled to launch the Penguin Patrol initiative, inviting 100 young guardians to join us in caring for The Waddle of Worcester art trail. This event embodies our community spirit and dedication to further engaging our youth in meaningful, creative projects. Together with West Mercia Police and St Richard’s Hospice, we aim to foster a sense of pride and responsibility in our young visitors and look forward to seeing the enthusiasm and care our future penguin protectors will bring to this exciting initiative!”

Sara Matthews, Business Development Manager for St Richard’s Hospice, said: “We’re delighted to have Penguin Patrollers helping to keep our huddle happy out on the streets of Worcester.

“Please treat every member of the waddle with love and care by not climbing on them or hanging off their beaks.  This will ensure our giant penguins raise as much as possible for local hospice care and our chicks return to the schools and community groups who painted them in tip-top condition.

“If you see any damage or anything of concern please report it using the number on each penguin’s plinth.”

We look forward to seeing you on the 29th of July at 12:30 PM at Angel Place future penguin protectors!

Find out more and take the trail at

Aerial Displays to Brighten Worcester This Summer

Worcester is about to get a vibrant splash of colour as summer aerial displays return to the city at the end of June!

In an effort by Worcester BID beloved bunting will be back in our city’s streets. These vivid bunting displays will feature the distinctive Worcester Colour Palette, created by The Colour Palette Company, celebrating the city’s rich heritage with hues named Elgar Bronze, Saucy Orange, Hive Gold, Cathedral Stone, Diglis Deep Blue, and Pear Black.

This colourful initiative ties in with the new artwork by local artist Estee Angeline at Foregate Street Station unveiled in March. This art project, spearheaded by The Art Society Worcester and its chairperson Maggie Keeble, involved a coalition of local partners, including Worcestershire’s Community Rail Partnership, Worcester BID, and The Colour Palette Company, with support from West Midlands Railways and the Community Rail Network.

Continuing the city’s seasonal eye-catching displays, Worcester BID is also set to install a stunning new exhibition on Friar Street and New Street. Building on the success of last year’s popular umbrella display, which garnered international attention, this year will see giant mesh spheres suspended from the wiring. The infrastructure that allows for these displays was first put up in 2021 via extensive work from the BID, allowing the street to be vibrantly activated for the first time. This infrastructure has allowed BID to add year-round festoon lighting, dazzling Christmas displays, and whimsical summer decorations like umbrellas, lampshades, watering cans, ladybirds, and topiary balls, making the street a hit with photographers and selfie-takers.

The new aerial displays will be installed in the city over three days and will be ready to dazzle residents and visitors alike just in time for summer.

Get ready, Worcester—our city streets are about to become more vibrant than ever! Who else is excited?

Worcester News Article: Independents make us tick

Worcester’s independents are the heartbeat of our city and should be celebrated! With a whopping 67% of businesses flying the independent flag, it’s no wonder we’re making waves. Recently, The Telegraph even ranked us as the ninth-best city in the UK, and it’s not hard to see why.

The city’s ranking was determined by various factors, including its rich culture and heritage, where Worcester proudly secured fourth place. This cultural tapestry is woven by the multitude of independent businesses that line its streets, offering everything from artisanal crafts to culinary delights. We’ve got a bit of everything here and our independent businesses play a big part in that. They bring a unique offering to our streets, whether you’re after a quirky gift or a cosy café to unwind in.

But beyond their offerings, independent businesses play a crucial role in supporting our community. When you choose to shop locally, you’re not just making a transaction; you’re investing in the prosperity of our city. Many of our indie heroes are deeply committed to giving back, whether through fundraisers or collaborations with other local businesses to support community initiatives.

We caught up with a few of our Worcester BID member indie retailers to hear what they love about doing business in Worcester and why they chose the city to trade in.

Anja Potze, proprietor of Anja Potze Fine Jewellery nestled on the historic Tudor Street of Friar Street, extolled Worcester’s virtues, stating, ‘With its vibrant history, fantastic transport, and infrastructure, Worcester is a fantastic location for my business to thrive.’ Anja has recently celebrated 30 years of business and we look forward to 30 more on Friar Street!

And then there’s the talented team at Trio, which offers high-quality beauty treatments, from manicures to dermaplaning also situated on Friar Street, who emphasised the significance of community: “It was an easy choice for us to have this beautiful, historic city by the river as TRIO’s home. The community feel is one of the many reasons to visit and reside in Worcester, we wouldn’t be anywhere else!”

Julie Reilly, Owner of Perfections Bridal Studio echoed these sentiments, describing “Worcester is a beautiful location full of history, character, and a thriving business community”. Adding, “it’s a privilege to be located on Friar Street”.

So, here’s to Worcester’s independents who make our city a little more unique every day. Let’s remember to support these local businesses that make Worcester the unique and thriving place that it is. By choosing to shop local, we can all play a part in keeping our high street ticking for generations to come.

The city is Purple: What does Purple Flag mean for Worcester

While Worcester may be clad in blue for its historic football team, its nighttime economy is undeniably purple. For the past two years, Worcester has proudly achieved the Purple Flag accreditation, with plans underway to secure a third consecutive year.

Presented by the Association of Town & City Management (ATCM), the Purple Flag is a prestigious international recognition that celebrates cities’ efforts in enriching their urban centres during evening hours. It’s not just a badge of honour; it’s a testament to Worcester’s commitment to creating vibrant and safe nighttime spaces that draw visitors, boost spending, and ease crime.

The success of this initiative in the city owes much to the collaborative efforts of Worcester BID, West Mercia Police, Worcester City Council, Worcester Street Pastors, and Worcestershire Regulatory Services. Recently, Worcester BID members, in conjunction with city partners, undertook a thorough evaluation of the nighttime economy’s amenities, ambience, and safety measures. From 5 PM to 5 AM, they scoured every corner of the city, identifying areas for enhancement and gauging the public’s perception of safety.

This proactive approach not only goes towards the lengthy application that allows Worcester to maintain its Purple Flag status but also fosters ongoing improvement and growth. Moreover, Purple Flag accreditation has been shown to attract more visitors, increase spending, and even stimulate investment in the city, making it an attractive destination for residents and newcomer businesses alike.

Crucially, the Purple Flag accreditation is more than just a symbolic gesture—it’s a catalyst for tangible change that takes place through findings from pre-assessments as well as the collaborative efforts and heightened awareness it brings. Worcester is not only curbing crime but also nurturing inclusive and secure spaces for all residents and visitors.

Worcester is now gearing up to renew its Purple Flag accreditation this summer. With each passing year, the city’s purple glow shines ever brighter, with the evolution of projects such as Safe Space, we are signalling an unwavering commitment to fostering a dynamic and safe nighttime environment for all.

Service Directory: Support for Recovery in Worcestershire

Please use our service directory to find the best contact, helpline, and support channel for you, a colleague or a friend.

Many services can be accessed for free and impartial help in worcester.



Funding the Future: What do you want to see Worcester do next?

Worcester’s transformation owes much to effective city centre management and strategic funding allocation. Four primary funding streams are driving Worcester’s progress: the Future High Streets Fund (£17.9 million), UK Shared Prosperity Fund (£2.96 million), Cultural Development Fund (£3 million), and Levelling Up Funding, with recent news of an additional £5 million injection into Worcester’s cultural landscape, bringing total capital funding over five years to £46 million for Levelling up funding alone.

Since 2019, Levelling Up Funding has been used to revitalise unused spaces like the train arches into vibrant venues for dining, arts, and activities, contributing to Worcester’s cultural growth. The recent £5 million boost will sustain this momentum, facilitating more art projects and community initiatives.

In 2019, Worcester City Council secured £3 million from the Cultural Development Fund to enhance Worcester’s profile as a visitor destination, foster festivals like Light Night, and support local businesses. Festivals such as the Victorian Fayre and Paint Festival have become integral to Worcester’s cultural tapestry, drawing diverse crowds.

To ensure continued funding, collaboration with entities like Arts Council England is essential for sustaining Worcester’s festival momentum and visitor influx.

Worcester BID is seeking ways to sustain the momentum by creating dedicated spaces for youth engagement and promoting discussions on implementation tailored to residents, visitors, and students between city partners. The success of initiatives like Teenage Markets in other regions underscores the potential for similar models in Worcester. Championed by Councillor Joe Bennett, Teenage Markets empower young entrepreneurs to showcase their talents and sell goods at public markets run by teenagers for the community.

As we contemplate Worcester’s future, community input is invaluable. What are your thoughts on providing dedicated spaces for young people in Worcester? What other initiatives would you like to see?

Let’s envision a Worcester that thrives for all its residents.

Worcester BID's Safer Streets Officer: Making a Difference

In the bustling heart of Worcester, the Worcester BID’s Safer Streets officer is working diligently to ensure safety and security for businesses and visitors alike. Since June 20th, 2023, the Worcester Business Improvement District’s (BID) Safer Streets Officer has been patrolling and intervening, making a significant impact on the community.

The officer’s efforts have not only prevented losses but also led to the recovery of significant amounts of stolen stock and money, providing much-needed relief to affected businesses and individuals, with the total stolen stock and money recovered now totalling £15,803.14!


The successes of the Worcester BIDs Safer Streets Officer stem from great partnership working. Collaborating with West Merica Police, central security teams such as Crowngate and Cathedral Square and various stakeholders, their efforts are emblematic of a collective resolve to foster safer shared spaces in Worcester. By pooling resources, knowledge, and expertise, all parties have been working hard to address community safety comprehensively, deploying proactive strategies and interventions to mitigate risks, prevent incidents, and ensure the well-being of residents and visitors alike.


The Worcester BIDs Safer Streets Officer has attended and accomplished the following during these 9 months:

  • 64 theft incidents attended
  • 59 stops/recoveries
  • 16 first aid interventions
  • 88 offences deterred
  • 19 counts of intelligence gathering and monitoring
  • 5 active interventions ensuring staff safety
  • 21 counts of assisting Police and witnessing arrests
  • 17 assistances with homeless and welfare checks
  • 27 counts of training provision
  • 8 counts of combatting fraud and illegal activities
  • 6 counts curbing sales of stolen goods
  • 2 missing persons cases assisted with
  • 21 enforcements of PSPO regulations

The Safer Streets Officer role within Worcester BID has provided an additional layer of protection for the business community, residents, and visitors. By effectively collaborating with partners, they have helped to enhance the city’s security landscape, creating a safer environment for all.

Read more about Worcester BID’s safety measures on their website at

Worcester BID's Cleaner Streets Initiative: Enhancing Our Spaces

We all share a responsibility to uphold the beauty of our city, taking pride in our municipal spaces. Unfortunately, urban areas often fall victim to graffiti tagging, chewing gum, litter such as cigarette butts, and other forms of damage, detracting from their aesthetic appeal and contributing to urban decay.

To combat these challenges and instil a sense of city pride, Worcester BID is launching the Cleaner Streets project. Beginning in April 2024 and extending through the summer months, this initiative aims to transform neglected, damaged, and graffitied spaces into vibrant works of art for the enjoyment of all.


The Cleaner Streets project encompasses various strategies, including the removal of graffiti from brickwork, improvements in lighting where needed, and the promotion of responsible mural and urban art through converting unloved areas into community and business district reflective works of art.

Over the past two years, Worcester BID has already invested in enhancing the city’s visual landscape through the artwork seen on utility boxes and wayfinding signage, as well as via the organisation of workshops and mural painting events in community hubs.

Looking ahead, Worcester BID is committed to implementing prevention methods such as resistant coatings and ongoing maintenance to ensure a welcoming and fresh street scene for years to come. Throughout the Cleaner Streets campaign, success stories will be shared, showcasing the transformative impact of these efforts on our social media accounts. Additionally, Worcester BID is dedicated to collaborating with and celebrating the contributions of local artists and the community. By involving residents and businesses in the creation of public art we hope to foster a collective sense of ownership and pride.

The ultimate goal of the Cleaner Streets Project is to cultivate more vibrant urban spaces while reducing and repairing damage in the city centre. Worcester BID invites talented local artists to join in this endeavour by reaching out on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram if you would like to participate in shaping a brighter future for our city.

Together, let’s make Worcester’s streets cleaner, more attractive and a source of pride for all who call it home. Join us in this transformative journey towards a more vibrant urban environment by following us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn [@WorcesterBID] or on Instagram [@makeitworc].

All Aboard: Foregate Street Station gets a new lease of life

Foregate Street Art is in!

Last Thursday we launched the new partnership artwork at Foregate Street Station with an evening at the fantastic JNCTN.

Over the last six months, we have worked to support The Arts Society Worcester and partners in bringing a new display to the city, enhancing the first appearance of Worcester when arriving by train and showcasing local artist talent. The art also helps with wayfinding with maps positioned by stairwells and promotes our vibrant city to all who pass through.

Find out more by pressing here!

Make sure to pop down to Foregate Street Station to have a look!

Worcester BID's new Safer Streets Role leads to £15,803 recovered

Worcester’s success in combatting retail theft is backed by tangible statistics.

From June 20th, 2023, to March 20th, 2024, Worcester BID’s Safer Streets Officer reported 59 instances of asset and monetary recovery and 88 cases of deterrence within the business district. This dedicated officer actively addresses anti-social behaviour, particularly in hot-spot areas, and supports staff in reporting crimes, contributing to a substantial recovery of £15,803.00 in just over eight months.

Other support given by the Safer Streets Officer is as follows:

  • First aid 16
  • Intelligence/Monitoring 19
  • Staff safety 5 [Where staff members have felt uncomfortable in certain situations so have shown presence or ejected offenders] 
  • Assistance with authorities/ Witness arrests 21
  • Homelessness Advice/Interaction 17
  • Fraud 8
  • Stolen Goods  6
  • Missing & Vulnerable Persons 2
  • PSPO [Public Spaces Protection Orders] 21

Through collaborative efforts and heightened awareness, Worcester’s partners have effectively intensified the targeting of retail theft, working towards safer streets for everyone. It is great to see that there is a national push to reduce retail theft, and even better to see that Worcester’s endeavours have already yielded success in combatting retail theft. The city is committed to further cultivating partnerships and providing ongoing efforts that support businesses to flourish.

Resilient Businesses: Navigating Flood Challenges in Worcester

Worcester, situated along the River Severn, faces common flooding due to heavy rains, impacting infrastructure, homes, and businesses alike. The highest recorded flood level at the Worcester measuring station occurred on 26 February 2020, with recent bouts of flooding in January and February causing disruption and damage to local businesses, green spaces, and walkways. Community support is crucial in aiding these resilient businesses to bounce back.

At Worcester BID, we have spoken to some of our local BID businesses that are located on the riverside and are thus often disturbed by flooding.

The effect on businesses can be extensive. Julia Seymour, Director of Diglis House Hotel, said “At the inception of my investment in Diglis House Hotel, the advice concerning flooding at that time, was to expect flooding every 40-50 years. Today flooding is common news.” General Manager of Diglis House Hotel, Debra Jones, added that “the flooding brings disruption to our business from loss of revenue due to access issues, internal flooding, the cost of pump systems as well as clean up to the grounds, the hotel in general and the bedrooms. These must be properly sanitised by special companies each time flooding occurs.”

So, how can we as a community help these resilient businesses to bounce back?

Richard Hill, Manager of Browns at the Quay said Dealing with the flooding has been an ever-increasing challenge to the business.

One of the main challenges is trying to get across to the public that when we close due to high river levels, we will bounce back very quickly, often in just a couple of days.

There is a perception that once you are affected by flooding you will be closed for many months, whereas we have shown this does not need to be the case. With the correct flood barriers, pumping systems and resilience work it can be managed, preventing serious damage to the building and its interior, enabling us to re-open very quickly and move on with the business.

We think that Worcester as a community has been supportive and hope it continues to be so. Our customers are very understanding when we have to reluctantly close for a period of time. We like to welcome new customers as well as old ones and hope they think of us when deciding where to go after flooding has happened.”

Whilst Worcester has weathered many floods throughout its history, its businesses demonstrate resilience and adaptability, constantly evolving to withstand environmental challenges. It’s crucial to support local businesses by visiting your riverside venues that are open for business, aiding them in minimising the disruptions brought about by flooding incidents.

Worcester Celebrates International Women's Day!

International Women’s Day, which takes place on the 8th of March, is the yearly global celebration of all things women. It’s a day of inspiring talks, worldwide social media buzz, activism, and marches, that look to inspire change and aspire to worldwide gender equality. International Women’s Day was first celebrated in 1911, when women were struggling for their basic rights, seventeen years before they finally earned the right to vote if over the age of 21 in the UK following the Equal Franchise Act of 1928. There is of course still work to be done; according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2023, it will take another 131 years to reach gender equality!

Women encounter various forms of unfair treatment across the world today. As per a 2020 UNICEF report, only 66% of countries worldwide offer equal educational opportunities to both genders. Data from a 2020 United Nations report reveals that, despite constituting half of the global population, women occupy less than 30% of high-ranking governmental roles and senior management positions in the business sector. As well as highlighting social injustices, International Women’s Day serves as a platform to demonstrate the immense strength and capability of women and celebrate their accomplishments.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is ‘Inspiring Inclusion.’ So, Worcester BID has taken to the streets, inviting Worcester’s women to join in with the international campaign. Worcester BID’s video, released on International Women’s Day, showcases the women in our city and Business Improvement District who keep the city ticking, through the provision of essential services, strong leadership roles, and as business professionals. There will also be video content from some of our city’s female CEOs, who will provide insights into local leadership. You can watch these videos on Instagram by pressing HERE, or on Facebook, HERE.


Did you know many of our city leaders are female?

> The BID team is 75% female!

> Worcester City Council is under joint leadership from 2 women: Councillors Marjory Bisset and Lynn Denham.

> The City Centre Manager for Worcester is also female.

To name but a few…!


Three Choirs Festival is Coming! Download your poster now!

The World’s Longest Running Music Festival is coming to Worcester in Summer 2024

The Three Choirs Festival is the world’s longest-running music festival, rotating between the cathedral cities of Hereford, Worcester and Gloucester. Since its beginnings in 1715, the festival has provided incredible music which has served as the inspiration for thousands.

The Three Choirs Festival is a week-long programme of world-class music making, featuring choral and orchestral concerts, solo and chamber music recitals, talks, cathedral services, theatre, exhibitions, and walks, rotating each summer between the beautiful English cathedral cities of Gloucester, Hereford, and Worcester. One of the elements which makes the festival so special is the Festival Chorus, which is made up of auditioned singers from the local area trained by professional directors, meaning that the Chorus both sings to a high standard and is a real part of the community. Three Choirs is thought to be the longest-standing classical music festival in the world and celebrated its 300th anniversary in 2015.

“A beacon for music making in our region”

At the heart of the festival are large-scale evening concerts featuring the Festival Chorus and the Philharmonia Orchestra (resident at the festival since 2012). Concert programmes feature internationally recognised soloists and combine favourites of the classical choral tradition with the best new music of our time. The Three Choirs Festival Youth Choir performs a major cathedral concert with the Philharmonia Orchestra every year, giving a unique opportunity to young singers in our region to rehearse and perform to a high standard with expert direction.

Next year, the festival is in Worcester. Learn more about what’s in store on their website: Home | Three Choirs Festival (

If you want to display a poster in your business, please download it here: A3 / A4 

If you would like a hard copy, please email us at to request a drop up or pick up.

Martyn's Law: Ensuring Security for Worcester Businesses


The consultation phase for Martyn’s Law, the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, is now underway, representing a crucial opportunity for Worcester’s business community to contribute to enhanced security measures.

Named after Martyn Hett, a victim of the Manchester bombing, this legislation aims to mandate venue owners to assess terrorism threats and implement appropriate and robust measures. The legislation ensures readiness and response training for individuals in the event of an attack. Enhanced security systems, staff training, and clearer processes aim to deliver better protection, aligning with government responses to the Manchester Arena Inquiry. The bill will be passed under a tiered framework, meaning different types of businesses will be mandated to undertake different measures.

Under Martyn’s Law, proprietors of standard-tier premises in Worcester, covering sites with capacities ranging from 100


to 799 individuals, must fulfil key requirements. This is the most common business type in Worcester that will be affected by the new bill. Standard-tier businesses will need to notify the Regulator of their responsibility for the premises and namely, implement procedural measures to mitigate the risk of harm to individuals in the event of an attack. Notably, the revised Bill eliminates the need for specified forms, prescribed training, or physical alterations to equipment, reducing disruption to most Worcester city centre local business operations.

Business owners and stakeholders in Worcester are urged to engage in the Government’s consultation process, offering insights to inform the finalisation of this legislation. This initiative strongly resonates with Worcester BID’s dedication to cultivating a safer environment. Through expanded training initiatives, including our Catastrophic Bleed Courses, heightened safety measures, and the improved utilisation of the CCTV-integrated business radio network, CityNet, we aim to enhance security measures. Additionally, our collaborative endeavours, such as Safe Space, underscore our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community members at work, as residents and whilst enjoying all that our city has to offer.

Your input will contribute to the Government’s endeavour to enhance public safety and national security. As this Bill impacts Worcester businesses, it’s essential to be prepared for the changes it brings. Martyn’s Law is a legislative step in the right direction, but it needs your stakeholder input. You can participate in the consultation via the government website:

Worcester's 2023 Foot Traffic Soars Despite Regional Downturn

A recent release of an annual report by Place Informatics has cast a spotlight on the foot traffic trends across 12 UK regions in 2023. This comprehensive report analyses the yearly, quarterly, and monthly fluctuations in footfall, providing a comparative assessment against the previous year’s data.

Examining the year-on-year percentage change by region, the South-West and Wales emerge as the front-runners, experiencing the highest percentage increase at 4.57% and 4.45%, respectively. In contrast, London faces a notable decline with a -1.43% decrease, closely followed by the West Midlands at -1.38%. Despite Worcester’s geographic tie to the West Midlands, recent data challenges the notion of a decline in our city’s footfall.

Contrary to regional statistics, Worcester has exhibited remarkable growth. The 2023 footfall has surged by an average of 21,180 per month, translating to a substantial addition of 254,164 extra pedestrians on our streets in 2023.

What’s driving Worcester’s impressive foot traffic surge for 2023? The city has reaped the benefits of collaborative efforts, evident in the success of the Victorian Christmas market orchestrated by Worcester City Council and innovative events like the Starlight Lantern Parade, a collaborative project involving The Hive, Council, Worcester BID, and government funding support. Worcester BID’s strategic promotion of the city’s rich heritage through a Sky TV advert targeted at specific demographics has also played a pivotal role. Local businesses have actively contributed to this upswing with so many fantastic venues achieving awards, such as Maneki Ramen’s win of Japanese Restaurant of the Year 2023.

Venues have also worked hard to create a safer and more welcoming city offering for all via increased training. Worcester BID’s commitment to community development is evident in the 1205 delegates from businesses within its district attending free and heavily subsidised training courses, fostering confidence and skill development. The introduction of the BID Safer Streets Officer and Safe Space has further bolstered nighttime operations, providing crucial support in areas such as first aid and mental health.

Enhancements in lighting infrastructure and seasonal displays in aerial spaces have gained national attention, attracting more tourism and increased foot traffic on Worcester’s streets. Additionally, our arts and culture scene is booming, with the addition of the art spaces in the Arches and extended opening and popular late-night openings at our Museums!

As we look ahead, Worcester is poised for continued positive momentum, especially as the Official Education and Community Partner of the St Richards Hospice City Art Trail, The Waddle of Worcester, ensuring mass footfall into the city during summer.

Stay tuned by reading the Worcester BID column every Friday for the latest updates.

Martyn's Law: An Important Update for Business Owners

The public consultation on the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, also known as Martyn’s Law is now open. The government consultation will run for 6 weeks

Martyn’s Law is a new legislation in the UK that will mandate those responsible for certain premises and events to consider the terrorist risk and how they would respond to an attack. It is named in tribute to Martyn Hett, who was killed in the Manchester bombing. The law will follow a tiered model linked to the type of activity taking place and the expected audience size and will seek to improve how prepared a venue is without putting an undue burden on business.

In summary, those responsible for Standard Tier premises must:

  • Notify the Regulator that they are, or have become, responsible for premises within the scope of the Bill (and so subject to the relevant requirements). This remains broadly in line with previous requirements.
  • Have in place procedural measures that could be expected to reduce, so far as reasonably practicable, the risk of physical harm to individuals at the premises in the event of an attack. These relate only to the procedures to be followed by people working at the premises in the event of an attack occurring or being suspected as about to occur. As the procedural measures are about procedures for responding to an attack or suspected attack, it is not expected or required that physical alterations be undertaken or additional equipment purchased for Standard Tier premises.
  • In contrast to the published draft Bill, there is no requirement to complete a specified form (the ‘Standard Terrorism Evaluation’) for Standard Tier premises or ensure that people working at the premises are given any specific training. However, as part of putting in place the procedural measures, workers will need to be sufficiently instructed or trained to carry them out effectively.

The consultation is targeted at organisations, businesses, local and public authorities, and individuals who own or operate publicly accessible premises or events that the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill will potentially affect.

It seeks views from those responsible for smaller premises which would fall within the standard tier. Standard tier venues are businesses with a capacity of 100-799 individuals.

The bill will impose requirements about certain premises and events to increase their preparedness for, and protection from, a terrorist attack by requiring them to take proportionate steps, depending on the size and nature of the activities that take place at the premises.

The proposed requirements would apply to those responsible for qualifying public premises and qualifying public events.

Take the consultation here:


Worcester Leads the Charge Against Retail Theft

The recent release of the 2023 Retail Crime Survey by the British Retail Consortium (BRC) has illuminated a national picture of a concerning surge in violence against staff and retail theft. The BRC are urging government intervention to safeguard retail workers, underscoring the pressing need for nationwide investment in deterrents, coupled with comprehensive training and support networks. Aligning with these findings, Policing Minister Chris Philp has initiated a national action plan to combat shoplifting, urging retailers to swiftly provide CCTV footage and shoplifters’ images for identification through facial recognition technology. The introduction of the Pegasus police program further seeks to gather intelligence on organised crime gangs involved in shoplifting, aiming to enhance collaboration between retailers and law enforcement.

Remarkably, Worcester has been ahead of the curve, already implementing very similar strategies for some time. The city’s resilience against the rising trend of retail theft is evident. Worcester BID is taking action to help local businesses reduce theft by providing comprehensive training courses, increasing the use of the 24/7 CCTV-connected CityNet radio system, and using GDPR-compliant DISC information sharing systems, working to strengthen the understanding and adoption of effective theft reduction schemes. Tailored Safer City meetings have evolved into essential platforms for businesses to unite against the shared challenge of retail theft, receiving insights directly from crucial partners like West Mercia Police, providing a helpful support network.

Worcester’s success in combatting retail theft is backed by tangible statistics. From June 20th, 2023, to January 19th, 2024, Worcester BID’s Safer Streets Officer reported 57 instances of asset and monetary recovery and 87 cases of deterrence within the business district. This dedicated officer actively addresses anti-social behaviour, particularly in hot-spot areas, and supports staff in reporting crimes, contributing to a substantial recovery of £12,755.15 in just seven months.

Through collaborative efforts and heightened awareness, Worcester’s partners have effectively intensified the targeting of retail theft, working towards safer streets for everyone. It is great to see that there is a national push to reduce retail theft, and even better to see that Worcester’s endeavours have already yielded success in combatting retail theft. The city is committed to further cultivating partnerships and providing ongoing efforts that support businesses to flourish.


Contemplating the Evolution of Worcester's High Street & Future

Public spaces, important in any city, serve as channels for social interaction and community cohesion. Yet, urban expert Matthew Davis of the Institute of Place Management, issues a warning—public spaces, from sports centres to parks and libraries, face an impending crisis of closure and underfunding. In a recent article titled ‘Pay to stay: an inflection point for accessible towns and cities’, Davis underscores the dwindling support for UK public spaces, advocating for a renewed emphasis on investing in free-to-stay areas that can address community need.

So, is Worcester too at a pivotal juncture where economic prosperity converges with social responsibility? The delicate task of maintaining accessibility for the city centre — the very heart of our community — as a member of the Worcester Business Improvement District, provides some conflict between our aim to foster business growth and Davis’s imperative to preserve public spaces. Davis contends that community input should underpin our urban environment, urging a balanced approach that marries commercial development with investments in public spaces, forging an inclusive city, and we don’t disagree.

The evolving high street introduces challenges to maintaining community spaces as businesses adopt pay-to-stay models for increased turnover, which is great for our economy. Davis suggests striking a balance between community accessibility and high street economic growth is crucial — but how well does Worcester achieve this?

While Worcester considers this challenge, municipal services, such as our city-centre public library, The Hive, stand out as successful community hubs, a stark contrast to the national trend of defunding and closures addressed in the article. However, the question lingers: does Worcester provide enough free alternatives to counterbalance pay-to-stay policies?

In response to the community ownership debate, Worcester takes its own path, with businesses like Script Haven and Sugar Daddy’s Cafe fostering meaningful community narratives. Script Haven, recognised by The Times as the third-best independent bookshop in the UK, actively engages with local talent and charities. Sugar Daddy’s Cafe has become an LGBTQ+ community hub, promoting inclusivity. Additionally, Worcester City Council allocates funding for initiatives like the Arches and Scala Theatre redevelopment, enhancing community accessibility.

The ongoing debate asks whether the high street should grow organically or if active intervention and investment in community-led infrastructure is necessary. However, does this apply to our city?

Worcester appears to strike a delicate equilibrium between economic growth and community well-being, successfully paving its path towards a balanced future.

Worcester stands with Ukraine & Downloadable Poster for your window

In Worcester, we have seen the Guildhall lit up in the Ukrainian yellow and blue and a Ukrainian flag flying at Worcester Cathedral. Shopfronts, such as Peplow Jewellers (find them @peplowjewellers on Facebook), have started displaying their solidarity with Ukraine by decorating their window displays. The fabulous Piston Distillery (@pistondistillery) has even been painting their vodka bottles with the flag, with all profits from painted bottles sold going straight to Unicef Ukraine. You can find their shop in the bio of their Facebook page.

If you would like to show your support for Ukraine you can download our A4 window sign HERE.

Printed copies will be available shortly. If you would like a printed copy for your businesses window, please message us and we will add you to our distribution list to bring printed posters to you.

We would love to see what you or your business has been doing to support Ukraine. Tag Worcester BID (@WorcesterBID on Facebook) in your photos (@makeitworc on Instagram) to be shared.


Independent arts, retailers and culinary delights – New Street has it all!

New Street, which runs parallel to Worcester’s Shambles and on from Friar Street continues the historic story of the city with the King Charles house at the far end.  In November/December, New Street is the foodie heart of the Victorian Market and during the rest of the year, the businesses enjoy footfall from locals and tourists shopping in the independent businesses and recharging in the bars and food on offer in the street.

Terry Goodwin-Jones jointly owns The King’s Gallery and Mangojuice Gallery: “New Street has been increasingly busy generally, not just with locals but visitors from all over and also return visitors which is good.   People are buying as well as browsing and the street feels full of life again.   We are excited to take part in the Big Parade: it brings more people down to the street as part of the Art Trail.  The King’s Gallery has been here over 20 years and some people are visiting us for the first time which is wonderful.  Our window created by my colleague Popi has a beautiful baby elephant in as well as our products, so people are now elephant spotting along New Street!”

Hannah Webb from Bottles Wine Bar says; ‘Over at bottles we’ve been working hard on taking a positive approach despite all the chops and changes we’ve been subjected to over the last 18 months. Our local collaboration with strong indie restaurant Chester’s is back with a vengeance! Order take out from Chesters to eat with your wine at our gorgeous little bar, as well as their late night burritos returning 10pm-2am Fridays and Saturdays.

Supporting other independent businesses is so important in city’s like Worcester and the more we can support each other the better.’

‘It’s been a tough road to navigate but allowed us to develop parts of our business that we otherwise were struggling to find the time for like our delivery service and wholesale.

We’ll be opening our brand new shop in reindeer court amongst some other developments, so keep your eyes peeled. And as always a huge thank you and cheers to our staff and customers, without whom we could never be where we are!’

Bottles wine bar are back open until 2am Friday and Saturdays now, and as of August will be back to DJ both nights.

Insider secrets:  Be the Change have recently made their debut to the street with their second restaurant location in Worcester. This is a must to visit!


Worcester BID’s priorities and objectives are to promote, support and enhance BID businesses within the City.

Family run businesses to major retailers Broad Street is the ideal shopping location

Linking the river bridge to the top of the High Street at Worcester Cross, Broad Street is an important thoroughfare for the city centre. With a mixture of national chains and independent retailers, Broad Street sees a lot of people walk up and down as both a destination and passing through.

Gill Barnett is manager at Cook Mate, an independent cookshop that has been in Broad Street for 40 years and is now a firm favourite in the city.  “Broad Street is always busy,” Gill says.  “There are an increasing number of pedestrians around, especially when the football was on.  We are in a very positive position: here in Cook Mate, we have lots of new lines in stock and are adding more each week. We feel that people are out spending more when they come into our shop, and footfall is increasing as the weeks go by. Celebrating our 40th anniversary is important too - we will be celebrating with the local community and cementing our position as an established face in Broad Street.”

New England is another independent retailer based further along Broad Street towards the bridge.  Rachael Evans is the owner.  “We have lots of fabulous new stock from our favourite brands including Seasalt, Gisela Graham and Cath Kidson which are always popular with shoppers as great gifts or stylish clothing. As the restrictions ease, footfall is slowly getting busier again but despite that people are spending more when they come into the shop which is positive to see.”

The team at Toys and Games of Worcester said ‘We are very much part of the Worcester community having lived, schooled and worked in the city for decades. We love the city. We have had a shop in Worcester for 25 years and enjoy it now as much as we did when we started. We have masses of stock. Lego, Pokemon, Tamiya, Airfix, Brio, Playmobil, Silvanian Families, toy cars, fidget toys, board games, card games, summer toys, plush toys.’

‘We are situated on Broad Street and open every day, it’s a great location a main entry point to the city and close enough to the centre that people can come wherever they are. Come and see us and meet the team. Vicky, Sue, Sophie, Annie & Tim’

With access from Broad Street to the High Street, The Cross, the River Severn and

main city bridge as well as Deansway, Crowngate and Angel Place with the bus station, it’s not hard to see why Broad Street is such a hub.


Worcester BID’s priorities and objectives are to promote, support and enhance BID businesses within the City.

From brunch with friends, to cocktails with colleagues indulge in Worcester’s eclectic mix of venues

Foregate, as the name suggests, marks where the city gate would once have been, and then during the 18th century the street was known as the Mall and Tymbs. It’s now best known for the city centre train station and routes heading out of the city towards the parks and residential areas but take a closer look.

Look up as you walk along Foregate Street to enjoy the historic architecture that many of the buildings boast. The entrance to the Hopmarket (head inside for more independents in a pretty courtyard setting) was a hotel and bank, dated around 1900 with later additions, with stunning French chateau and Tudor style elements. Dates and writing are still visible on the frontages, which includes Black & White bar and kitchen. The owner there is Rebaz Tahir who worked hard during lockdown to develop his site, tripling the space and extending downstairs. Since restrictions have been easing, he feels that things started slowly in the street but says it’s noticeably been getting steadily busier. “We are getting really positive feedback about our expansion and are very happy to be welcoming a mix of locals but also tourists,” he said.

Amid the historic architecture, today’s Foregate Street is thriving. There’s a excellent mix of businesses along Foregate Street either side of the train station, bringing locals and visitors to the city. Bodega Cantina is a popular foodie spot close to the station. Liam Bradford is the general manager: “We are really happy that Foregate Street is getting busier all the time now. Things are buzzing here in the restaurant both with walk-in's and bookings which is great to see. It's a mix of couples, friends and families who seem happy to be out and about again, enjoying food, drink and relaxation here in the city centre.”

In A-Plan Insurance Katey Smith, insurance consultant is in a type of business that adapted to telephone contact during lockdown. She is however delighted that more and more customers are being welcomed back to the branch: “For example, our older customers prefer the reassurance of getting in front of people to deal with their insurance,” Katey says. “We can tell that the street is getting busier - for us it’s wonderful to see the other businesses including many independents around us who are getting busier all the time. For example, Steam House opposite us is so popular! Foregate Street is a key route for people walking in and out of the city centre, maybe on their way to work and back. We feel at central to the city, but love being surrounded by history.”

Insider Secret: Looking for a city retreat? Did you know the Worcester Whitehouse hotel have a leisure club with a heated indoor swimming pool and whirlpool spa.

Worcester BID’s priorities and objectives are to promote, support and enhance BID businesses within the City.

Explore, Shop, Dine in one of Worcester’s Historic Independent Streets

Not only is Friar Street the historic heart of Worcester but it is also a beating heart and soul of independent businesses in the city. Walk along the city’s oldest street and soak up the Tudor framed buildings within which the deep-rooted history of the city can still be enjoyed. Tudor House museum contains much of that still today for you to learn and absorb. National Trust owned Greyfriars is a serene space with a stunning secret garden to just sit and enjoy a quiet coffee and be with your own thoughts. It’s this vibe that the independent businesses in Friar Street love: a sense of a community within the city.

The Meeting Place opened after first lockdown and is family run by Edward & Nancy Little-Jones and Edward’s sister. They run their business around 4 core values: community, sustainability, ethics and people, so they fit right into Friar Street. “It’s essential to us to support local,” says Edward. “We buy our beers from Hoplords around the corner in Pump Street and get ingredients from Three Counties Produce and The Butcheress who are all local. We like using suppliers from the city and close by. We are seeing lots of new faces coming in from Friar Street and are enjoying seeing local people come back in through our doors.”

Trio is this month celebrating 12 months since opening its beauty salon in Friar Street. “We love being a part of such a traditional street, full of wonderful independent businesses. There’s a real sense of community and we feel proud to be here with such lovely people!” says Jade Dixon co-owner of Trio.

Further along towards Greyfriars, jeweler Anja Potze agrees: “People buy from people, and like the other independent businesses along Friar Street, we offer a personal service and experience that you can’t get online. We value the loyalty our customers have shown us over the last 18 months and have been delighted to be able meet new customers along the way.

Next door Kate Page, owner of Friar Street Kitchen: “It’s an amazing community: we all get together and support each other and the neighbouring streets too: I use Bottles in New Street for my wine and we and Tortuga borrow ingredients back and forth when we need to! People seem happier than before lockdown, it’s a really positive feeling to being back open and busy here on Friar Street.”

Insider secret: did you know there is a secret garden located in Friar Street within Greyfriars. Where you can relax and enjoy a slice of cake with cup of tea for that little bit of escapism.

Broad Street is Open4Business

The last year has been a challenging year for us all personally and professionally. It is great to see our city back open for business. The simple pleasures of being able to pop back into your favourite store, look and touch the products that you want or desire instead of scrolling through a device hoping it will be as good as it looks when it finally arrives.

The team at Worcester BID have been out and about speaking with the owners and managers of some of Broad Streets thriving businesses. During lockdown parents around Worcestershire relied on the team at Toys & Games of Worcester to ensure their children were kept entertained and put smiles on families faces during the hardest of time.

The team at Toys and Games of Worcester said ‘We are very much part of the Worcester community having lived, schooled and worked in the city for decades. We love the city. We have had a shop in Worcester for 25 years and enjoy it now as much as we did when we started. We have masses of stock. Lego, Pokemon, Tamiya, Airfix, Brio, Playmobil, Silvanian Families, toy cars, fidget toys, board games, card games, summer toys, plush toys.’

‘We are situated on Broad Street and open every day, it’s a great location a main entry point to the city and close enough to the centre that people can come wherever they are. Come and see us and meet the team. Vicky, Sue, Sophie, Annie & Tim’

Throughout the lockdowns and the restrictions, the one thing we all had was reconnecting with nature going on walks enjoying the small luxuries of fresh air. This is a habit that remains making time for you, enjoying exploring new areas of the city and county through going on bike ride and long walks by the river. Where better to visit and to make sure you a kitted out then Rohan.

We spoke with the team a Rohan to find out more about the history of the store and their time in Broad Street ‘In 1972 Rohan was founded in Skipton, North Yorkshire, UK and have been making world class technical clothing for over forty-five years. The first shop was opened in Long Preston, North Yorkshire, UK in 1983. An interesting fact is that Rohan jackets were used on the first ever ascent of Everest without oxygen’

‘Skip a few decades and Rohan Worcester opened in May 2010, now just over 11 years ago with 6 members of staff who all pride themselves on their knowledge of the technical aspects of the garments and all wear the brand both for and outside of work.’

‘Visiting us in-store allows you to see, touch and feel Rohan garments with knowledgeable staff available to discuss what you need from a garment or outfit prior to trying on for fit and comfort.’

‘Rohan Worcester, is a Grade 2 listed building, situated in Broad Street, likely a house and shop 200 years ago. According to English heritage records, the facade of the building is constructed from stucco over brick and dates back to around 1820. This location was selected due to its proximity to the high street with good footfall through both Crowngate centres and local streets. Broad Street has a great atmosphere and a wide selection neighbouring shops attract many visitors.’

Broad Street has so much to offer make sure you visit these amazing businesses and reconnect with Worcester.


Helping Hands Home Care have been providing bespoke visiting and live-in care services for over 30 years, specialising in live-in, domiciliary and dementia care at home. As a values-driven business with family values, Helping Hands have worked tirelessly over the past 30 years to develop a flexible care service that places its customers at its heart. This is achieved through directly employing all of its care staff and training and developing its carers to deliver person-centred care in a dignified and respectful way. Helping Hands is fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).

Helping Hands Worcester and Malvern is in a prime location in the centre of Worcester. It is convenient spot for members of the public to come in and enquire about home care and what we can do for our local community. We take great pride in being a part of the main centre of Worcester and we are always available to provide sufficient care. 

Photo’s feature: New England Country Store, Connect 2 Vapes, His & Hers Hair, Helping Hands, Knowles Travelgoods, Rohan, Toys & Games of Worcester


Graduation offers in the city!

Congratulations Class of 2020!

Graduation is finally happening from the week beginning 21st June and we couldn't be happier for you to experience this important moment in your life as you put your education behind you! As it's such a big day, you, or someone you know, may have a lot of questions about the day, so click here to see some FAQs the University of Worcester are asked that should help you out.

Whether your ceremony is in the morning or the afternoon, you're going to want to have a grand day out and celebrate in style, ensuring you, your classmates and guests have a good time in the city! You might choose to explore Worcester by taking some walks along the riverside, down by Diglis and Sidbury and through some of the city's historic streets! You might even choose to visit some of the exclusive exhibitions in the city's museums that won't be around for long, like the Titanic exhibition in the Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum or the Botanical Treasures in the Museum of Royal Worcester (who have a discounted student tickets!). 


Celebrate in Style

One thing we know you'll definitely want to do while you're in town is eat! By now, you'll be aware of some of the city's best spots to dine out, however what you might not know of yet is some of the set menus being offered to help you save a bit more! Click through to book a table for:

If you instead want to help support local restaurants, there's a huge array of restaurants you can book into for lunch and dinner! Why not eat at:

- Anatolian Palace: Mediterranean and Turkish cuisine on Chapel Walk.
- Benedictos: an authentic Italian restaurant 
under the shadow of the Cathedral on Sidbury.
- Bolero Bar and Kitchen: offering high quality casual dining and an unrivalled choice of drinks on Foregate Street.
- Burger Shop/Maneki Ramen: a choice of burgers or ramen under The Arches.
- Centenary Lounge: The Cross' nostalgic Art Deco-inspired setting that recaptures all the glamour and style of the 1930s railways.
- Chesters: Mexican cuisine in an atmospheric cellar space, plus a bright upstairs bar on New Street.
- Friar Street Kitchen: traditional British food made from local ingredients on the stunning Friar Street.
- Fuego: a rustic-modern dining room & bar serving upscale British cuisine sourced from local producers on Foregate Street.
- Globe Modern Bistro: another Friar Street gem, this independent is a family owned bar and dining room.
- The Old Rectifying House: a stylish venue with a modern fine-dining menu and an easy-going bar, plus a terrace garden on North Parade.
- The Olive Branch: homemade, market-fresh Mediterranean food on Church Street.
- Ounce Bar and Kitchen: a contemporary pub renovation on Foregate Street with a British menu and small terraced beer garden.

Go On Treat Yourself!

You really have earned a treat for yourself! While you're in town, you might as well make the most of student discounts as we at the Worcester BID have collected a huge array of offers for you!

Simply provide a valid student card (check if there are any extra requirements and T&C's) and you can take advantage of all these offers!

Meet Your City Neighbours - David Edmunds

Worcester BID want to introduce our High Street Heroes, the people from our local city centre - community. David Edmunds who is the Festivals Director at Severn Arts and the dynamic driving force behind the festivals programme for The Arches Worcester Project

Favourite day out in the city?
My favourite day out in the city would have to include some of the varied independent businesses. There are so many great places to eat and drink. You could start with breakfast at Waylands Yard, lunch at Be the Change, don’t skip an afternoon pick me up with a coffee at Method and if you are staying in the city in the evening drinks at Tonic.

Best thing about working in Worcester?
The best thing about working in Worcester is the civic pride. People are keen for things to happen, which is great when you are bringing a new cultural festivals programme to a city. The partners and organisations we are working with show such strong support for what we are doing as well.

What is your proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement would have to be Light Night in January 2020 and the way the people of the city embraced it.  It really set the tone for the festivals programme. We had a bit of a break from our normal programming over the pandemic but we are very much looking forward to bringing our events back into the city centre.

Favourite city landmark?
I can’t really highlight just one city landmark that is my favourite. I’m a big fan of the architecture of Worcester in general. There are just so many different canvases to play with and on. I remember being at the top of Crowngate car park and looking at the 360 panoramic view of the city. From there you can see the river, The Hive, older parts of city and the Cathedral

What do you do to relax within the city?
My favourite way to relax is running and Worcester has some great running routes: along the river, around Pitchcroft out towards Diglis and more.

What is Worcester’s best kept secret?
Worcester’s best kept secret has to be the unusual hidden spaces you find in the city.  We have happened upon some really distinctive unique surprising spaces, from alleyways and courtyards through to the vaults under Asda carpark and the crypt under the cathedral.

What’s the best part of your role?
The best part of my role is definitely bringing amazing world-class creativity from around the world to our audiences in Worcester and being able to provide opportunities for new graduates to receive their first commissions alongside this. There is a new cultural landscape being built for the city alongside the development of The Arches and its an exciting time to be part of that right now.

A recommendation now the City is reopening?
I think there is an exciting summer ahead, Worcester’s Big Parade is happening, and of course our own summer plans. I’m looking forward to bringing that colour back to the city.

Student Discounts in the city!

We're thrilled to be able to offer students in Worcester a huge array of discounts in the city centre! Simply provide a valid student card (check if there are any extra requirements below and follow the links to see any extra T&C's) and you can take advantage of all these offers:

Food and Drink:
- Ask Italian (Cathedral Square): Enjoy 40% off food on Mondays and Tuesdays or 25% off food on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays (NUS Extra & UNiDAYS only).
- Centenary Lounge (The Cross): Get a free hot drink with every order placed via Click and Collect.
- Greggs (High Street & The Shambles): on purchase of a full Sandwich Deal (see in store for details), you will be entitled to receive one of the following free of charge: One free Sausage Roll OR One Vegan Sausage Roll OR One Cheese & Onion Bake OR One sweet treat (in selected stores only).
Hotel Chocolat (High Street): Get a 5% discount on all full priced items, including the café (NUS Extra only).
- McDonalds (Angel Street): Get a free Cheeseburger, Mayo Chicken or McFlurry Original when you buy any Extra Value or Wrap Meal and show your valid student or Student Beans ID.
- Pizza Express (Cathedral Square): Enjoy 30% off food and drink every Sunday to Thursday.
- Yo Sushi (High Street): Get 20% off the food bill through UNiDAYS.
- Zizzi (High Street): Have 30% off on Mondays and Tuesdays and 25% off on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays (NUS Extra only).

- Accessorize (High Street): Get 10% off full price items.
- Anja Potze (Friar Street): Free jewellery cleaning service on Tuesdays through Fridays.
- Ann Summers (High Street): Get 10% off full price items (NUS Extra & UNiDAYS only).
- FatFace (High Street): Enjoy 10% off national offers all year round (NUS Extra only).
- Fuel (Reindeer Court): Enjoy a 10% discount.
- Jack Wills (High Street): Register for a 10% off code.
- JD Sports (The Shambles): Register with UNiDAYS for a 20% discount.
- Jingo (Pump Street): 10% off full price all year round.
- Moss Bros (High Street): Get 15% off through UNiDAYS.
- Mountain Warehouse (Broad Street): Enjoy 10% off all items.
- New Look (Crowngate Shopping Centre, Friary Walk): 10% off full price items (NUS Extra only).
- Rohan (Broad Street): Enjoy 10% off all full price items.
- Sports Direct (St Martins Quarter): Register for a 10% discount.

Health & Wellbeing:
- Boots (High Street): Enjoy 10% off online and instore with an
advantage card.
- Camo Hair (Reindeer Court): Enjoy a discounted price on haircuts.
- Goodlife Barbers (Corn Market): Enjoy a student discount on Mondays to Wednesdays.
- House of Haby (The Gallery, The Shambles): Enjoy a 10% discount.
- The Hive (The Butts): Enjoy a 10% discount on offers through partners.

- The Kiln (Copenhagen Street): Enjoy a student/graduate discount (50% discount for 6 months).
- Natwest (The Cross): Make the most of a National Express young person's coach card, interest free overdraft up to £2000 and 24hr telephone & online banking.
- Pack It In-Zero Waste Living (The Gallery, The Shambles): Enjoy 10% off at all times.

- Paperchase (High Street): Enjoy 10% student discount all year round and up to 20% during fresher's week and various points in the year (enquire within).
- Rymans (Friary Walk): Enjoy 10% off in store by showing your ID.

- Simply Beautiful (St Swithins Street): Get a 10% discount on all products and services on Tuesdays through Fridays.
- Superdrug (Friary Walk, Crowngate & St Swithin's Street): Get a Health & Beauty card show Student ID for a 10% discount.

*Superdrug’s Online Doctor is also providing a 10% discount for students on all products and services with the code: STUDENT10
- Waterstones (The Shambles): Get 5% off every transaction through Plus Student.

- Museum of Royal Worcester (Severn Street): Enjoy a discounted entry price of £5.50.
- Worcester Live: When eligible, discounts apply to students (enquire within).
- Worcester Tourist Information Centre (High Street): Make the most of a 10% offer on all gifts.

- arrangeMYescape (Mealcheapan Street): Book a holiday with arrangeMYescape and be offered one of the following complimentary:
1. Free Airport lounge,
2. Free Airport car parking,
3. £100 on an Escape travel card for family bookings,
4. Free in resort excursion. (T&C's apply, enquire within).
- Travelodge (Cathedral Square): Enjoy a 5% discount through Student Beans.

- Worcester Whitehouse Hotel (Foregate Street): Take advantage of:
1. Stay Local, Book bed and breakfast direct with the hotel and receive 15% discount on the published rate upon proof of Worcestershire address. Enjoy full use of Leisure Club and complimentary car parking,
2. 15% off accommodation,
3. 20% off an annual membership (non-refundable),
4. 15% off wedding bookings for 2021 & 2022 subject to availability. (T&C's apply, enquire within).

Take a look at NUS / TOTUM and UNiDAYS, alongside other ways to look out for student discounts like Student Beans and

Meet Your City Neighbours - Janine Downes

Worcester BID want to introduce our High Street Heroes, the people from our local city centre - community. Janine Downes is Service Development and Engagement Manager for Worcestershire Libraries including The Hive. She is also the driving force behind the city’s Business and IP Centre, supporting pre and early start businesses to set up and thrive.


Favourite day out in the city? – A swim in the morning at Fitness for Less, a walk along the river taking in the Cathedral, a meander down Mealcheapen Street (Charity Alley) to pick up a few bargains, a coffee or a pint (depending on time of day) and food outside somewhere.

Best thing about working in Worcester? – Working next door to the Paul Pry for the friendliest welcome, best beer and tastiest food after work!

What is your proudest achievement? – I love working in libraries. Every time we inspire a child to read, help someone to use Zoom for the first time, help them to strengthen their business – that’s when I’m most proud. Lucky for me that happens every day!

Favourite city landmark? – Well it would be wrong not to say The Hive 😊 But really – I love that it overlooks the river and the Malvern Hills, and the design just inspires me every day.

What do you do to relax within the city? - I love always being able to find a lunchtime spot with a view, whether that’s down by the river, on Cathedral Plaza or when it’s raining from the windows of The Hive.

What is Worcester’s best kept secret? - Well, it’s not really a secret, but I love the café space in the Museum and Art Gallery, a secret if you haven’t found it yet I suppose. Oh – also Level 4 at The Hive. A peaceful, light and open haven for working.

What’s the best part of your role? – The people I work with and meet. The library and Business & IP Centre team, the customers, the partners we work with.

A recommendation now the City is reopening – Wander down the old streets: Copenhagen St, Fish St and Friar St to find great independents, atmosphere and quality food and drink!

Safer Streets Worcester consultation 17th - 31st May

The UK government recently announced a large fund aiming to improve the safety of public spaces of concern to women and girls.
The money can be used to fund a range of interventions, such as CCTV cameras, improved street lighting, educational programs, transport, neighbourhood watch schemes, and close working with night-time economy establishments.
West Mercia Police, Worcester City Council, Worcester Business Improvement District, Worcestershire Regulatory Services and the University of Worcester are considering making a bid for the fund and want to hear the views of women and girls living and working in Worcester that would complement schemes such as Street Pastors, Ask Angela, City centre radio communication system, Safe Place and Taxi Licensing.
We want to know about any local places that make you feel unsafe, as well as any suggestions you might have on how to make women and girls feel safer and reduce the risk of them becoming victims of crime.
This consultation will run from 17 May – 31 May 2021 and we will know if we have been successful in a bid by August this year.
Please take 5 minutes to complete our short survey.
The survey is now hosted on SurveyMonkey and can be found here:

Meet Your City Neighbours - Rachael Mitchell

Worcester BID want to introduce our High Street Heroes, the people from our local city centre community. This week, meet Rachael Mitchell, who is the General Manager of Worcester Whitehouse Hotel and a dynamic driving force behind the city’s hotel and leisure industry.


Favourite day out in the city?
A visit to the independent shops for which Worcester is renown, including The Shambles'
Pack It In.

Best thing about working in Worcester?
There is so much on the doorstep to suit everyone and the people of Worcester I encounter are so friendly!

What is your proudest achievement?
I am most proud of my ability to always remain positive no-matter what life has decided to test me with.

Favourite city landmark?
Worcester Cathedral will always be a favourite of mine for obvious reasons but a special mention should also go to The Guild Hall.

What do you do to relax within the city?
I love to sit on a bench by the River Severn, watching the swans and the world go by to recharge my batteries.

What is Worcester’s best kept secret?
Not many people know about the spectacular views you can see from
Fort Royal Park, especially at sunset and sunrise!

What’s the best part of your role?
The best part of my role is easily bringing people from near and far into Worcester for both business and pleasure so they can enjoy all this great city has to offer.

A recommendation now the City is reopening:
Not sure if my 1st option is appropriate so have provided 2!

Option 1 – A walk from Foregate to the river via the Arches, stopping off for lunch at the Burger Shop, a trip to the Porcelain Museum and Cathedral, with a drink in The Swan, a browse in the independent shops with an aperitif at Browns, dinner at Centenary Lounge followed by a night cap in Hop Lords finishing off in TripelB.
(You see? It makes me sound as though all I do is eat & drink!!)

Option 2 – Worcester benefits from great branded shops which are well worth a visit, however if you’re looking for something different, the independents offer a unique shopping encounter with an array of items not found elsewhere. Break up your shopping trip by visiting some of the privately owned bars, cafes, pubs and restaurants which all offer a great drinking and dining experience difficult to find elsewhere.

Vacancy: Have E-Commerce Retail Experience? St Richard's Hospice may be interested...

"We are looking for a Governor with commercial experience to join our Council and to become the Chair of our Trading Company, which is a major fundraising arm of the Hospice. Our Trading Company is responsible for developing a creative and innovative retail strategy to ensure sustainable income from our 18 shops located across Worcestershire.

"The role is voluntary (with reasonable expenses reimbursed) and will require a commitment to prepare for and attend Council and Trading meetings, which are currently held remotely.

"You will be able to demonstrate a successful business career, evidencing a capability for strong leadership, and ideally have experience as a non-executive director and as chair. Previous involvement in the charitable sector would be useful.

"You will be passionate about supporting St Richard’s to further develop our Trading Company and, in particular, our online income generation. You will also have excellent inter-personal and communication skills, both to act as an ambassador for St Richard’s within our community and to support, and encourage, our commercial team and the many volunteers who work in our shops and warehouse.

"We are a Council of Governors that prides itself on its diversity of thought and wide experience, to which we are hoping you could add; we thus encourage interest and applications from all sections of society.

"Your role as a Governor will enable you to become a real part of St Richard’s Hospice and, as Chair of the Trading Company, you will play an important role in furthering the future of this integral funding arm for the Hospice.

"If you can share our passion for providing extraordinary care for our patients, and are interested in finding out more about this exciting role, we shall be delighted to hear from you."


The role vacancy is now live on the website

Meet Your City Centre Neighbours - Sarah-Jane Morgan


Worcester BID want to introduce our High Street Heroes, the people from our local city centre - community. Who better to kick this feature off than, Sarah-Jane Morgan who is Chief Executive of Worcester Live and the dynamic driving force behind the city’s theatrical and performing arts.

Favourite day out in the city

It has to be a day shopping with my three daughters! We love the city so much, we are so lucky to have such an amazing mix of enchanting independent shops to compliment the high street retailers, it makes a day shopping really varied and different to other cities.

Best thing about working in Worcester

Whenever I have to nip between one of our venues, I often see someone I know from another business to say hi to, everyone is so friendly and supportive of each other, it really is a great city to work in knowing that we are all in this together, there for each other and happy to help boost each other when things get challenging. It’s so important to work together, we may work in different industries but we all face the same challenges and working together definitely helps us succeed.

What is your proudest achievement

Ensuring the sustainability of Worcester Live over the last 12 months has to rank pretty high on that list! I’ve been in this role for 23 months now and to have led the organisation through what has been an undeniably extraordinary time and to have come through with two venues intact, refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to once again welcome back our patrons for theatre and live entertainment, is a great achievement, I am very proud of what our team is achieving together.   

Favourite city landmark

It has to be the Commandery, we produce outdoor theatre there very year and it is just the most beautiful historic setting to be able to present live theatre for the city. I was so disappointed to have to cancel last year’s production due to Covid, but we will be back this year from the 30th June to the 11th July - we are very excited about this year’s production and really looking forward to working with the incredible team there again.

What do you do to relax within the city

We are really lucky to be located right by Worcester Racecourse at the Swan Theatre, we have a fabulous view of the course from our bar balcony. But actually going to the races for the atmosphere is simply fantastic and definitely a great way to relax!

What is Worcester’s best kept secret

I don’t think they are secrets anymore, but I (and all the team at Worcester Live) love all the independent cafes and restaurants, there are so many fabulous ones in Worcester, we are definitely spoilt for choice! We have been running a feature on our Instagram page, WL recommends recently, so far:
Commandery Coffee,
Burger Shop Worcs,
Guilt Trip Coffee/Doughnuts,
Waylands Yard,
Yum Sweet Treats,
The Steamhouse,
Francini Café,
Steam Coffee
You may see a theme running here! I also love a trip to
Mr Simms sweetshop for those special sweetie and chocolate presents and I am a fan of Goodroots, I love the space at the Royal Porcelain Works, on a sunny day The Courtyard feels as though you are on Mediterranean holiday, we need more of that feeling in our lives right now!

What’s the best part of your role 

I adore standing at the back of the auditorium at the Swan Theatre or Huntingdon Hall and watching a show in full swing, the audience loving each and every moment of what is unfolding around them and knowing that I am fundamental in making that happen, it’s pure intoxicating magic.

A recommendation now the City is reopening

I recommend joining our mailing list and taking a look at the events coming up in the next few months. Worcester Live, The Swan Theatre and Huntingdon Hall are evolving and there are some really exciting changes ahead. If you haven’t been to our venues or haven’t been for a long time, then take a look, come and visit us and see a show - we have such a lot to offer the city of Worcester!

A big change for the High Street!

Worcester artisan food hall and farmers market to follow HoH Food Hall, Hull launch

The former Debenhams site in Worcester is set to undergo a major 9 month transformation, which has started this week.

Window installations give a taste of what’s to come at the site and once finished it’s planned to house a vibrant, artisanal food hall as well as a community led farmers' market.

Debenhams permanently closed its doors earlier this year, and the RoK Ops team behind the development were excited at the chance to create a new offering combining dining, organic grocery, retail food, music and culture.

With the team’s development in Hull, Yorkshire set to open in summer 2021, the Rok Ops team are keen to start the Worcester transformation.

The community-driven concept supports local producers, growers, makers and bakers, and has been curated by food and beverage expert Des McDonald of the RoK Ops team to deliver a dynamic and unique food driven experience direct to the high street.

With extensive experience in F&B and more than 35 years in hospitality, including an impressive track record of developing, opening and operating over 150 restaurants, bars, cafes and coffee shops, Des will ensure consistent quality and innovation as the project progresses.

He has the distinction of having opened one of the original Ivy restaurants, Soho House and the world-famous Annabel’s nightclub, and has an impressive portfolio of restaurants across America, Europe and the Middle East, including Selfridges and Eataly.

Speaking of the upcoming developments, Des commented:

“We’re looking forward to working with the local community to transform this historical city centre building into something completely new. We’ll be looking to work with local partners at every stage of the regeneration and there will be a real focus on independents.

Eann Ramsey-Smith, Project Manager, ROK Opps added:

“The High Street is undergoing major changes, with the Covid-19 pandemic accelerating huge shifts in the way people shop. The food hall platform offers local producers the ability to plug and play, creating a diverse offer at each location, where our focus is on the local supply chain, local labour, zero waste, local partnerships and the ability to create a vibrant community in our buildings.

We’re developing a unique concept of Artisan Food Halls, which focus on visual production. Combining food retail, hospitality and culture, all of our food halls will be independent and completely unique; we don't have a cookie-cutter approach.”

Jeremy Seymour, JS LAND & CAPITAL (GLOBAL) LTD (agent on behalf of the landlord) commented:

“Our collaborative approach is at the heart of everything we do. The partnership between landlord, tenant, operators and the local community is the bedrock of everything we are determined to achieve.”

Press contact:
Beth Gray | PR Manager | | 07715 668030
For more information about the development visit:

Raising your profile for free!

Worcester BID are excited to announce we are working with Worcester News as part of the Love Local campaign!

For 10 weeks, we will be promoting the city centre and raising your profile. Here's how you can get involved:

  • FREE business advert
  • FREE ‘meet the trader’ coverage in print / online
  • FREE advert for job vacancies via Newsquest

These spaces are on a first come, first serve basis so register your interest quickly by emailing (please specify what you are registering interest for in your email)!

Support for Reopening of Outdoor Hospitality

We have collated some posters that you can use to help encourage safe shopping in your business, reminding consumers to wear masks and follow other social distancing guidelines. Hold/right click the images below to save them:


Also available to download are some useful letters that help detail reopening. Download them here: Covid Reopening Letters

Check out Commandery Coffee today!

Pete and Gemma are always hard at work in one of Worcester's most beautiful spots!

Commandery Coffee is an "independently run coffee shop located in the Commandery Museum, with an idyllic garden facing out onto the Birmingham / Worcester canal. A 5 minute walk from the main high street, but feels like a million miles from the hustle and bustle of town."

This hidden gem produces a wide range of hot food, freshly made cakes and drinks, with plenty of Gluten Free and Vegan options to satisfy everyone!

Check out their website to find out more:

Have a look at their Facebook page:

And their Instagram:

If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Lucky Cat Noodle Are Crowdfunding!

The A Rule of Tum restaurant group opened Lucky Cat Noodle as a pop-up ramen bar during the pandemic in November 2020 and instantly the 20 seater ramen bar was fully booked daily.

When Lucky Cat Noodle had to close to dine-in they moved to a takeaway model and 6 months after opening the restaurant is still going strong and ready to upgrade to a full-service restaurant.

Lucky Cat Noodle, an A Rule of Tum restaurant today announced the launch of a crowdfunding campaign to raise £30,000 to refit a new restaurant space to replace a 6 month long ramen bar pop-up in Worcester.

Become a part of their story and get great rewards: Find out more here!

Head chef (Pete Dovaston) and A Rule of Tum Director (Dorian Kirk) are both available for interviews, should you wish to arrange an interview, or require any more information or photography please get in touch with Colin Nicholls (Marketing manager) @

Handmade hats for all occasions!

Jane creates bespoke millinery pieces at Hat House for purchase and hire!

“I’m lucky enough to have worked on some amazing pieces for my clients over the years as a trained milliner. Jx at The Hat House is my millinery studio based at the heart of Worcester’s elegant Friar Street. My shop contains a wonderful range of quirky and classic handmade millinery, gorgeous handbags, cashmere wraps, silk scarfs, Worcester’s most photographed umbrella collection and so much more!”

Shop all of Jane’s products and make enquiries at the online store!

Their website:


If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Free Reopening & Recovery Webinars for licensed premises

All Hands To The Pump offer free webinars and training for the venues, regulators and place managers involved in the licensed trade, delivered by professional organisations and updated regularly. 

Access the calendar in the link below to find more details about what events are happening when.

The Wicked Hair team are excited to see you again!

The Wicked Hair team are excited to see you again!

The High Street salon engage regularly with their followers online as they follow the roadmap out of lockdown: each day that passes is another day closer to you getting that much needed haircut!

They are available to answer your questions and are preparing for bookings so, to make sure you don’t miss out, make sure you’re following them!

If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Kings Gallery and Mangojuice offer amazing handmade gifts!

"The Kings Gallery has been trading from it's historic building in New Street for 21 years. With the addition of Mangojuice gallery in the last 10 years both galleries offer a beautiful selection of art and handmade gifts. We are available for click and collect and currently offer a free local delivery service. For individual handmade gifts visit our website at"

Their Facebook:

If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at


Meet the team at Pack It In!

You've met Phil, now meet the team at Pack It In: Georgina, Phil and Vicky!

"Here at ‘Pack It In’ we are fully open for customers to refill their containers.  We are keeping everyone safe by restricting the number of customers in store and providing a sanitisation station outside. Deliveries are available, if needed, and we ask customers to use our online shop to browse and plan their shop before coming in."

Their website:



If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Gull Management Plans 2021

With the city reopening in the next coming weeks here are some key points to consider to protect consumers and support reducing gull interference, with briefing notes taken from the Worcester Gull Forum meeting on 25/02/2021 by Gordon Dugan (Technical Officer (Gull Control – Worcester)).


1          Changes in gull behaviour and issues with gulls over the winter.

(a) A significant number of reports have been received from across the city about the unusually early return of the nesting gulls in large numbers. They appear to be marking out and defending their territories/nesting sites from rivals.


2          Gull control licences from Natural England.

(a) Once a nest has been occupied, a licence is required for gull management such as the removal of nests and eggs. A clear case of a tangible threat to public health or public safety must be made for a licence to be issued; nuisance alone is insufficient. Natural England must achieve a balance between the competing demands of the public and the conservation of the two gull species.

(b) Following discussions between WRS and Natural England over the winter and since the initial licence applications were made for Worcester two weeks ago, the two organisations have this week entered into negotiations for the issue of an organisation licence for the city. In this, WRS on behalf of Worcester City Council would be granted a type of delegated licensing authority by Natural England; this is a pilot scheme in which only one other local authority (Bath) is taking part.

(c) Within a defined area – probably all or most of the city - WRS would be able to grant authority to their own staff and contractors, and to property owners and their contractors to take licensable gull management action. WRS would be responsible for the decision to take action, for legal and regulatory compliance and regular reports would have to be made to Natural England. The onus would be placed on WRS to ensure that any actions taken could be justified as compelling public health and safety risks. The ‘organisation’ licence could be in place from 1 April this year.

(d) The key merits of the ‘organisation’ licence are:

  • major cost and time savings over applying for individual site licences as in 2020;
  • speed of action – a decision can be made immediately with earlier resolution of issues;
  • greater certainty when planning gull control operations in advance and allocating funds;
  • Worcester City Council/WRS gaining an enhanced overview of gull issues across the city and of licensable actions taken by property owners and their contractors.


3          Deterrent hawking.

(a) Following the positive results of the trial in the Britannia Square area last year, the scheme is being transferred to specific properties along the road axes of The Tything, Foregate St, High St, Copenhagen St, Fish St, Severn St and Mill St. An outlier site in Weir Lane, Lower Wick will also be included.

(b) Purpose: to complement licensed nest interventions in displacing gulls from specific nesting sites where problems have been reported through non-lethal means.

(c) Key features:

  • intensive hawking phase - four days per week Monday 29 March to Friday 23 April 2021 (eight hours per day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays);
  • reduced intensity phase - two days per week Monday 26 April to Friday 21 May (eight hours per day on random working days at the discretion of the hawker);
  • dogs on leads with the hawker to enhance the deterrent effect – experimental activity;
  • fund-matched between the Council and specific property owners;
  • adjustment of dates may be necessary to account for the early return of the gulls this year – possibly bringing the programme forward by one week.


4          Nest and egg removal by MEWP (cherry picker) on private land/off road deployment

(a) Two MEWPs with highly accomplished operators (Fletcher Access) have been booked for four rounds of nest and egg removal on 4 May, 24 May, 14 June and 5 July (21-day intervals; laying to hatching c. 27 days).

(b) The two MEWPS are of different sizes and so will permit maximum flexibility in gaining access to different premises. Efficiency and reach will be enhanced by the use of drag tools and cameras fitted to long telescopic poles with reaches of 40 to 52 feet.

(c) Sites visited in 2020 will be included in the programme; there are also new sites in Barbourne, Diglis and St Johns.

(d) Licence-permitting, the intention is to displace the gulls from these sensitive locations where human-gull interactions are causing health and safety concerns. This may take several years of such action. With no chicks to defend, things should be quieter.

(e) The identified key weaknesses are: the gulls could displace elsewhere nearby where access may be difficult or in new locations in Worcester and cause issues there; the programme ends in early July so some birds could still lay afterwards. However, a balance between resources and efficacy must be reached. The programme remains experimental; monitoring will take place and adjustments made in the light of the gulls’ reactions and within the available resource base.


5          Nest and egg removal by MEWP operating from the street in the city centre

(a) One large 28-metre MEWP has been booked with street permits and traffic management for deployment on streets in the city centre for eight hours on the following Sundays: 2 May, 23 May, 13 June and 4 July.

(b) A programme of nest and egg removal will take place from as many nest sites in the main city centre streets as we can gain access to within the time frames set. Key areas of operation: Foregate, High and Broad Streets; The Shambles.

(c) When the licence is in place, WRS will engage with site owners in arranging access.

(d) This resource may also be deployed just outside the city centre at Studdart Kennedy House, Spring Gardens, if possible.


6          Nest and egg removal from roofs in the city centre where there is safe internal access

(a) Nest and egg removal will also take place by internal access using a new contractor this year. This will operate in tandem with the same work by MEWP.

(b) Eight- hour days have been booked on 30 April, 21 May, 11 June and 2 July.

(c) Once the licence is in place WRS will re-negotiate access to the premises on the traditional round visited by Red Kite for egg replacement; new properties will also be found.


7          Nest and egg removal by MEWP at an industrial site in Lower Wick

(a) A fund-matching agreement has been reached between the City Council and the owners of an industrial site in Weir Lane, Lower Wick where a significant and troublesome nest cluster exists.

(b) A programme of pre-season nest clearance and then deterrence by daily human presence has been agreed and is currently being enacted. Hawking will also take place on site. Subject to the licence being granted, nest and egg removal visits by MEWP will take place on 5 May, 26 May, 16 June and 7 July.

(c) Due to the fairly compact nature of this site, it is hoped that a determined and sustained effort over several years will permanently disperse the gulls from this site which lies alongside residential properties.


8          Red roof nesting deterrent experiment

(a) Observational, but non-substantiated evidence exists that gulls appear, at least temporarily, to be averse to landing and nesting on red and shiny surfaces. The gull specialist Peter Rock, and Dr Dave Parrott of the Animal and Plant Health Agency believe this potential deterrent is worth investigating in a scientific way. Dr John Coulson, formerly of Durham University and adviser to Scottish councils on gull control, has observed that gulls do not like shiny surfaces; this is perhaps a reason why The Hive appears to be gull-free.

(b) A small number of test sites have been selected this year. They are all on flat, accessible roofs where gulls have been nesting. After removal of last year’s nests, a 1m2 area around the established nest site will be sprayed bright red with an acrylic paint. The behaviour of the gulls will then be monitored. Following this pilot test, a full scientific methodology developed by the Ecology Department of the University of Worcester will then be used in a more extensive trial.

(c) A similar test of the effectiveness of shiny surfaces as a gull deterrent will take place next year.


9          Recovery and rehabilitation of gull chicks

(a) We have a contractor in place to recover gull chicks from safely accessible places anywhere in Worcester where the chick presents an animal welfare concern. This action will take place under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

(b) Any recovered gull chicks will be taken to a wildlife hospital from which they will ultimately be released into the wild, but in a rural coastal setting. Prior to release they will be ringed for subsequent monitoring by Peter Rock and the network of British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) observers. This will provide additional data on inter-colony and other movements by the birds.

(c) Should WRS have to arrange for the removal of the chicks of particularly aggressive parent gulls anywhere in the city this year, the removed chicks will be rehabilitated in the same way as those recovered for animal welfare reasons. This represents a non-controversial and ethical resolution.

(d) Worcester City Council is sponsoring a gull aviary at the wildlife hospital as part of the agreement. Recovered chicks from elsewhere will also be ringed and included within our research programme into the movements of gull chicks as a way of better informing our future gull management decisions.


10        Ongoing research into gull behaviour

(a) Several projects continue, including Peter Rock/BTO ringing a further batch of gull chicks from accessible roofs in Worcester in June where control has not taken place.

(b) WRS is awaiting the results of a literature search on gull control methods and technologies worldwide from third-year BSc Ecology students at the University of Worcester. The results of this will then be considered and further research commissioned in consultation with Dr John Dutton of the University.

(c) WRS will make a bid to Worcester City Council to commission a further gull population survey by Peter Rock in 2022. This may be an essential requirement of the ‘organisation’ licence currently being negotiated with Natural England. This 2022 survey would allow proper scrutiny and assessment of our gull management programme, including the gull displacement effects of our work this year; the ‘benchmark’ would be the 2020 survey.  


11        Reacting to complaints and issuing advice

The WRS gull officer for the City of Worcester will continue to respond to complaints and issue advice as promptly as possible. This will be facilitated by the use of a 52-foot bespoke, extendable carbon fibre pole on which both a camera can be mounted and a drag tool for the removal of gull nests where it is deemed appropriate. It is hoped that providing there is compelling evidence of a real public health and/or public safety issue at specific premises, and authorised by the new ‘organisation’ licence, the gull officer will be able to take immediate action in cases (where access is possible).


12        City centre Public Space Protection Order prohibiting the deliberate feeding of gulls

(a) This will come into force this year for a defined area of the city centre and the banks of the Severn. Uniformed Council enforcement officers will be able to take action against persistent offenders or those who ignore initial warnings.

(b) The Council’s Community Engagement Team has prepared a series of posters and signs to inform people of the Order in the affected area.

(c) In addition to reducing the easy availability of food for gulls, the Order and its publicity launch campaign and signage will increase public awareness of the gull issue – definitely a positive!


13        Drafting planning advice requiring the ‘designing-out’ of nesting opportunities for gulls

(a) WRS will liaise with planning officers over the drafting of building development guidelines intended to promote the incorporation of gull nesting and roosting prevention measures into the designs of new buildings and altered buildings where planning permission is required.


If you require further help, or a Gull Sack, please contact Worcester BID with the subject "Gull Sack".

A Road Map to a normal Festival this Year! We need your support!

The Worcester Festival is hopeful that this year’s Festival will be fully back to its fun and vibrant self again! 2021 will be the 19th year of the Worcester Festival and whatever August holds the Festival will go ahead!

As always we need your help, with the wonderful events that you host. Live and virtual events are welcomed.
We know that the last year has been very difficult, but we are encouraging you to get creative, hopefully this year’s Festival will be the first big event in the City and so we want as many people involved as possible!

This is an opportunity to put on something new, or excitingly different, to be innovative, to think outside the box. For example, if you are a restaurant, why not put on a special ‘Worcester Festival’ menu, or cocktail, or a special Worcester Festival deal? If you are pub, why not put on a quiz or a music night or a talent, especially if you don’t normally do those things, the possibilities are endless!

Online registration for this year’s Worcester Festival is now open and it’s so easy, just go
onto the website and fill out the online registration form!

There are so many advantages to being part of the Worcester Festival, including the huge amount of generic advertising and hype from which you can benefit, and you will be taking part in one of the largest events in Worcestershire.

When you have registered your event it will be listed in the Worcester Festival Event Guide and on the website. All free of charge! (Although in difficult times, a voluntary contribution would be most welcome.)

It is a genuine opportunity to market or publicise your company to a large number of people and to be a part of the Worcester community.

Covid-19 stopped so many events in the last year, but it certainly didn’t stop The Worcester Festival and it won’t stop us this year should the road map get a little off course. We want 2021’s Worcester Festival to be a beacon of hope and fun for the people of Worcester and hopefully be a chance for us all to celebrate getting through this. So come and get involved!


  • 14th – 30th August 2021
  • Host an event between these dates and register free with the Worcester Festival at
  • Get free publicity and social media coverage for your event when you register
  • Any event welcome from pub quizzes to arts and crafts!
  • Donate a prize to one of our competitions. (Gift vouchers, hampers or products all welcomed)
  • For more information visit
  • For queries or to offer prizes contact Chris Jaeger on

The latest newsletter from the Worcester City Council Economic Development Team

Finance and Funding

January Lockdown Grants
The following grants are available for businesses affected by the current lockdown which started on 5 January:

Lockdown Business Support Grant - 5 January onwards

National Lockdown second payment cycle - 16 February to 31 March 2021

Discretionary Lockdown Support Grant


Other COVID Grant schemes

Tier Two Grants

November lockdown grants

Restart Grants


To find more details about the grants and extra information about the budget, the roadmap out of lockdown and more, read the full version of the latest newsletter from the Worcester City Council Economic Development Team.

The staff at Browns at the Quay miss you!

Rich: "We are all looking forward to welcoming back all our lovely customers as soon as possible. All our areas are covid safe and we are taking every possible precaution to keep everyone protected. We are very proud to be an independent local business, and to be a part of this great city's thriving hospitality sector."

Their website:



If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Now We're Talking with Art!

Now We’re Talking with Art

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, in partnership with Worcester City Council, are creating an outdoor art trail in May featuring work from local artists narrating different mental health issues. The ‘Now We’re Talking with Art’  campaign will provide a walking, accessible trail for the community to enjoy free of charge.


Do you have a window space in Worcester City Centre?

The NHS Trust are asking local businesses to let the campaign use their window spaces to help fill the city with colour through installations, fine art, photography, craft, murals and more. Not only will this campaign increase awareness and improve mental wellbeing, but it will also increase footfall in Worcester City Centre along the trail and help the local economy. It won’t cost a penny, but the artwork in your window could help save someone’s life who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts, or bring smiles to those who need to know they are not alone.


Interested or want to find out more? Email

The website

Facebook: @NowWereTalkingHW (

Twitter: @NowWereTalking_ (

Keeping safe and supporting local with Centenary Lounge!

Aasia and the Centenary Lounge team are here for you!

Keeping safe - Centenary Lounge has adjusted its operation to adhere to the new guidelines. For the restaurant when we are open we have the following changes and guidelines in place:

Hand sanitisers will be placed at designated areas throughout the restaurant for ease.
Tables have been placed at a 1metre distance. (Reduced covers from 42 to 26)
Staff will take your order and deliver to your table. After this they will limit their interaction with you, so if you require anything further or have any questions please wave for attention.
If you feel unwell or show any of the main symptoms, please stay at home.
Use the track and trace app on arrival. If you don't have the app then we will take your details via a manual form which meets GDPR requirements.
Contactless/card payment is the preferred choice of payment

For deliveries - we offer a contactless delivery to your order.

More info on our website here:


Support local - We have produced a lovely hamper, giftware and afternoon tea at home range using many local Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire suppliers. From Croome cuisine for cheese, Franks in Herefordshire for biscuits to Wychbold Fudge for fudge and Oldfields for cider and beer.

Plus many more including Hussingtree Gin and MacNeils.


How to shop with us - Currently you can shop with us online from our new website:

For local (Worcester and surrounding area upto 10miles) we are delivering classic and savoury afternoon teas. To place orders get in touch during lockdown via Facebook and Instagram DM or email us at You can also call us on 01905 724242 and leave a message with name, phone number and brief message about order. Orders to be placed at least 48 hours in advance.


If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

The RPW doors will open again soon!

Kathy Leather & Beki Farrow cannot wait to welcome you back to Royal Porcelain Works!

“Preparations are in process behind the scenes to bring some wonderful events to the Henry Sandon Hall and our beautiful Courtyard. With high standards and plenty of space for social distancing our wonderful building is a blank canvas for any event. Until we can open our doors again, take care, keep safe and we will see you soon!”

Their website:

If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Hear from Hop Lords!

Hear from Hop Lords: how they are currently operating, how you can order and their vision for supporting local in the future!

“We keep as safe as possible by only being open for a few hours every Friday and Saturday afternoon’s 12-3pm and ask people to sanitise their hands-on entry, wear a mask unless exempt and limit the shop to only 2 customers at a time. We only accept contactless payment. I also have the webshop (linked below). All orders placed through the week for home delivery are delivered on Friday’s after 3pm. Delivery is free on orders over £30 within a 10-mile radius of Worcester. I will go further as well if customers get in touch first. We also ship national on next day delivery. We also can offer click and collect at checkout if people want to but if someone is walking into to town to buy to takeaway I think people like to peruse all the stock before choosing. You can do that on the webshop but it’s nice to look at the beers in their physical form with all the lovely artwork on beers nowadays.”


“Supporting local has always been important but Covid has made people really understand how important it is. I’ve decided when I get the pubs I have open I’m going to stock as much locally sourced beers, spirits, wines etc etc as I can. There’s some of the best pale ales and IPA’s in the country being made up the road in Cheltenham. Astley vineyard near stourport make exceptional wines. Then there’s chase distillery in Hereford and Piston gin in Worcester. I still think HPA from Wye Valley brewery is world class when it comes to real ale. There’s loads to support locally and I’m going to support them all way more than I have in the past.”


If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Miss TripelB? They miss you!

“Missing you is our reality right now but sharing the world’s best beers and having fun doing it is our future together. TripelB will return! Keep following us, like and share our posts, and we’ll keep you in touch with all our exciting plans for re-opening!” - TripelB Team

Check out their website to find out more: 

If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Increase your productivity whilst working from home!

Meet Alex and check out The Kiln!

The Kiln provides an affordable workspace for Worcester's remote workers and thriving small business community.

While you can't currently use their space on Copenhagen Street, check out their social media to see their tips on making the most of your home-office setup.

While you're there, why not drop a like, follow and leave a review? Local businesses really value support like this during these difficult times!

Their website: 



If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Keep yourself pampered at home!

Meet Sarah, the face behind Simply Beautiful on St Swithin's Street!
This long, standing established beauty salon and skincare centre is an authorised Dermalogica® stockist and service provider and works with brands using no harsh chemicals or abrasive techniques.
Head over to their page, leave a positive review and use their online shop to get the quality products they use to pamper yourself at home!
If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Show your support for 25 Boutique!

Check out 25 Boutique and meet Becky!

She's been in business with affordable, luxury fashion for almost 15 years on Friar Street with lesser known global brands and that offer “something different”.

While business has had to be temporarily stopped, you can still support her by interacting with her!

You can visit her website and sign up to her newsletter here:

Follow her business on Twitter:

If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

How you can help the BTP community!

Meet the staff at Boston Tea Party!
Lena and her team can't wait to get back to Broad Street and serve you, but while they're shut you can still support them!
Follow their page to keep up to date, leave them a positive review and like their posts to get their engagement up, it costs nothing and shows them you care!
Take a look at their website too:
If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Jewellery with the personal touch!

Meet Anja and Felicity, the faces behind Anja Potze Fine Jewellery Ltd!
While their Friar Street boutique remains shut for the time being, they are keeping busy with the business through their online store and contributing to Lockdown diaries!
Take a look at what they're getting up to here:
If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Quality cuts of local meat!

As featured in last week's Visit Worcester Newsletter, Mark, Matt and the whole M and M Meats team are consistently working hard to bring the freshest local produce to you!
Get in contact with them here:
Alternatively, pop in and see them on St Swithin's Street (whilst keeping physically distanced) between 7.30am - 3pm.
If you are a BID business and would like to feature you and your team in the Worcester BID behind the business campaign through social media or in the next Visit Worcester newsletter, email us at

Pack It In through Lockdown!

This weeks (22/01/2021) Visit Worcester newsletter features a wellbeing article about Pack It In - Zero Waste Living.
It details Phil's efforts to keep her local business delivering to areas in and around Worcester and to keep you using as little single-use plastic as possible!

To find out more, read our article:

Visit Pack It In's new website:

If you are a BID business and would like to feature in the next VW newsletter email us at

Save our High Street - Support Local

Samantha McCarthy, from Worcester BID, said: “Our independent businesses are showing their steely determination to succeed by implementing innovative ways for us to shop, eat and drink.

“Our High Street needs these businesses - please shop independently to support them through this.

"If every person in Worcester spent £10 in an independent businesses it would inject over £5million back into the local economy.

“We made sure all our independent businesses now have online platforms.

"Meaning you can shop locally, from your sofa.

“Independents are the future of the High Street with the ability to adapt and embrace change quickly and effectively as we have seen since the beginning of the pandemic.

Read more....

Here for you throughout Lockdown

Lisa and Paula Farrington, Owners of Embrace Boutique in Reindeer Court say: ‘Embrace will be here throughout lockdown to cater for all your lingerie needs. We have everything from soft bralettes for comfortable home working, to luxury sets that are sure to boost your mood and make you feel amazing! Please have a look at our website and, as a thank you for shopping with us, all orders placed will attract FREE standard delivery. If you need any help or advice we remain at your service via email on’

Keep our dreams alive

Mark Rasdall, owner Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe says:
“Without November (and probably at least some of December) income we will really struggle to survive the dark days of January and February - especially if we endure further natural disasters such as the floods of 2020.
If we are allowed to, we'll be doing doorstep sales from outside the sweet shop (details will be updated on our Facebook page: and customers can look at our brochure online at or email us on at any time. We also have our new online brand - The Sweet Lorry - with a range of beautiful themed hampers that make lovely Christmas presents:
Please support us through these hard times, your custom means the world to us and keeps our dreams alive.”

Support Traders as Lockdown Returns

BUSINESS chiefs have expressed their disappointment at the Government’s proposed new Coronavirus lockdown, due to come into effect this week.

Worcester BID bosses spoke out after Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed a second national lockdown would begin on Thursday (November 5) in a bid to ease the pressure on the NHS.


Everyone Matters

Aasia Baig, Owner of The Centenary Lounge in The Cross says:
‘As a small business owner with limited resources we have gone beyond what was expected of us to keep our teams and customers safe and comfortable but once again we have been closed down with very little support for the business and the owners. We are grateful for the furlough for our staff however. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, for us we thrive in communities and actually care about our teams and customers. Please bear us in mind whether you are looking to pick up a takeaway, order a home delivery or are looking for ideas for gifts. Many of the independents can be found online or at the other end of the phone. We need you more than ever and will always remember your support as our customers are not just a number for us - everyone matters’.

Delivering Christmas to your door

Tim & Vicky Evans, Owners of Toys and Games of Worcester in Broad Street say:
‘This is a difficult time for small businesses, but this is a difficult time for all of us. Together we can get through this. Stay positive, we’ll be enjoying spring before we know it.
We’ll try and get through this new lockdown, keeping things as normal as possible. Whilst the shop remains closed we will be operating mail order, local deliveries and more importantly collections from the shop. We’ll be available full hours 9.30am-5.30pm Mon -Sat and 10.30-4.30 Sundays. If you need anything drop us a message , give us a call or visit our website. We’re happy to talk you through what we have and give you bespoke videos or pictures to suit your requirements. Collection or delivery. Keep in touch 01905 731099,, or Facebook @ToysGamesWorc’

Michael Lloyd, Crowngate Shopping Centre

Michael Lloyd, Centre Manager at Crowngate Shopping Centre and Worcester BID board director says:
'With the pandemic causing so much uncertainty and forcing lockdowns we businesses in Worcester need our great residents to continue to support us now more than ever.
With over 64% of businesses being independents in our amazing city we have a great point of difference. Failure to support them now could result in them being lost forever.
The big online companies have taken enough away from us already, shop local and ensure Worcester High Street has a place in the future."

Support your Worcester Independents

Worcester businesses offering takeaway and delivery services during lockdown

INDEPENDENT businesses across Worcester are calling on shoppers and diners to keep supporting them as the second lockdown begins.

From Thursday, the whole country will go into lockdown again for a month, with “non-essential” businesses and restaurants having to close unless they can operate on a takeaway or delivery basis.

However, pubs and restaurants across the city said they would continue to trade, by reverting to the takeaway model they used through the spring and summer.

Read more....

Did you spot the first elephant sculpture in Worcester?

THE FIRST decorated elephant sculpture, named Sundar, had a whistle-stop tour around Worcester yesterday.

Sundar, visited some of the best known spots in the city including Friar Street, Cathedral Square, Foregate Street and even popped in to see the mayor at the Guildhall.

The tour is a pre courser to what is to come next year. Elephant sculptures will line the streets and open spaces for eight weeks in 2021, creating Worcester’s Big Parade – a Wild in Art event brought to the city by St Richard’s.


Hopmarket artists holding outdoor exhibition to spread cheer in Worcester

A COURTYARD shopping centre in Worcester has welcomed a number of artists as part of a city-wide art project.

The Hopmarket is one of the chosen venues for an outdoor gallery of art, organised by Worcester City Council, Worcester BID and Severn Arts.

The initiative – which was launched earlier this month with a theme of Hope and Joy – aims to create engaging and bespoke designs in retail units throughout the city.



Below listed are some of the locations within Worcester city centre where a defibrillator is housed.

If you are a business with a defibrillator and you are not on this list, please get in touch and we’ll ensure that your details are added.


Business Name Location of Defibrillator
Crowngate Shopping Centre (Chapel Walk) AED defibrillator is in a fire exit corridor next to Warhammer.


The door has an AED sign on it for fast and easy recognition.


The door is external to the Centre and not completely in view of CCTV.


Please ring the 24/7 Security Team on 01905 610065, explain who you are, where you are and request use of the AED.


They will quickly despatch a team member to give you access.


Crowngate Shopping Centre (Friary Walk) AED defibrillator is in the fire exit corridor next to Rymans.


The door has an AED sign on it for fast and easy recognition.


To open the door, push the bar, the AED is in a wall mounted box on the right- hand side of the corridor.


Simply open the box to access it.


Cathedral Square Management office

(alert Cathedral Square Security to gain access)

Fitness for Less Behind the Fitness for Less Reception Desk
Guildhall Bottom of Main Staircase
Heart of Worcestershire College Main Reception of All Saint’s Building
Marks & Spencer Bureau de Change, First Floor next to the Café
Museum and Art Gallery Reception
The Hive Inside the main entrance, on the left



Take part in 2020’s Worcester Festival!

Are you hosting an event this August? Are you a local business who would love to get more involved in the local community? Are you a charity or organisation who would love to be part of something amazing this summer? Then the Worcester Festival is for you!
Worcester Festival 2020 is the 18th annual festival and it is shaping up to be the biggest, most eclectic, most eco-friendly, most diverse Worcester Festival ever.

Online registration for this year’s Worcester Festival is now open and it couldn’t be more simple: fill out the registration form here.

There are so many advantages to being part of the Worcester Festival, including the huge amount of generic advertising and hype from which you can benefit, and you will be taking part in one of the largest events in Worcestershire.
When you have registered your event it will be listed in the Worcester Festival Event Guide (25,000 copies printed) and on the website (thousands of hits during July and August). All free of charge!It is a genuine opportunity to market or publicise your company to a large number of people and to be a part of the Worcester community.

This is an opportunity to put on something new, or excitingly different, to be innovative, to think outside the box. For example, if you are a restaurant, why not put on a special ‘Worcester Festival’ menu, or cocktail, or a special Worcester Festival deal? If you are pub, why not put on a quiz or a music night or a talent, especially if you don’t normally do those things! Don’t forget to brand it too for extra coverage e.g. Worcester Festival Jazz Night… the possibilities are endless!
2019’s Worcester Festival contained over 500 events, 58 venues and 46 participating organisations. Over 350 of the events were free at point of contact. We estimate that over 200,000 people saw an event. We want the 2020 Festival to be even bigger and better, so get those thinking caps on and come and join the biggest event in Worcester this summer!

If you any questions, please contact the Worcester Festival Director, Chris Jaeger on 07594 230268 or

New Training Dates for 2020


Due to popular demand, we have booked a further two ‘Emergency First Aid at Work’ training courses for the new year!
They will be held on Friday 28th February 2020 and Friday 6th March 2020.
These training courses are extremely popular and are offered to BID businesses on a first come, first served basis so, if you’d like to book on to one of the above courses, get in touch with Shelly or one of the BID team asap!
At a cost of only £20 + VAT per person, it’s a fantastic saving for our BID members!



We are delighted to be offering Level 2 and Level 3 Food Hygiene training courses in the new year.
At a cost of just £20 + VAT, which is a potential saving of around £350 per person for the Level 3 course!
Due to the popularity of these courses, please get in touch with Shelly asap for more information and to book your slot!



  • ACT Awareness Counter Terrorism
  • Fire Safety Awareness
  • Food Hygiene (Levels 2 and 3)
  • Social Media (Getting to Grips with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter)
  • Social Media (Advanced Facebook, Instagram and Twitter)
  • Visual Merchandising

We have many more training opportunities available to our BID members, details of which can be found on the attached Training Needs Analysis form.



We are currently putting together a list of defibrillators within Worcester city centre.
If you are a business with a defibrillator, please do get in touch and we’ll ensure that your details are added!



VACANCY: Chief Executive c£45k

Worcester Business Improvement District (BID) has just secured another term, following its most successful ballot result in its history. Building on this success, we are now seeking a dynamic and motivated leader with considerable experience in stakeholder engagement, programme and project management, managing a team as well as an understanding and perhaps experience of running Business Improvement Districts, to help take the organisation in to its ambitious third-term and continue the great work that is already in place.

The BID brings together a wide cross section of businesses from national retailers and independent shops to heritage facilities and the regional and head offices of some renowned corporate services. The main aim is to cement Worcester’s position as a key regional destination, ensuring a great visitor experience, and working with key partners to successfully deliver the next stage of the city’s growth and evolution. Worcester has an exciting future, and now is a pivotal time for city centre businesses, who are seeking a collaborative and inspiring leader to be part of the success story.

A competitive salary is offered of c.£45,000 dependent on experience.

To apply please send a CV and covering letter, detailing your suitability for the role to by Monday 16th December 2019, 5pm.

For an informal conversation about the role, please contact Phoebe Dawson (CEO) before Tuesday 10th December.

See the full job description by clicking here.

Worcester’s festive parking offer for Christmas shoppers

Festive shoppers are being given a cracking deal by Worcester City Council in the run-up to Christmas.

Shoppers heading into the centre to look for gifts and soak up the yuletide atmosphere during late night opening each Thursday in December before Christmas can take advantage of free parking after 6pm in the council’s car parks.

The deal applies to council-run car parks from 6pm on December 5th, 12th and 19th.

The council is also offering drivers a chance to pay for three hours and get a full day’s parking on Sundays in December up to Christmas. This starts on Sunday December 1st and concludes on Sunday December 22nd.

All of Worcester City Council’s car parks have retained the prestigious ‘Park-Mark’ award that is issued by the British Parking Association and the Association of Chief Police Officers.  That means they are safe, well lit and are well managed.

For a map showing the locations of City Council-run car parks, go to

Please note, drivers coming into the city while the annual Victorian Christmas Fayre is on are being advised that the Cornmarket carpark will be closed from 3pm on Wednesday November 27th until midnight on Sunday December 1st. The four-day fayre starts on Thursday November 28th and finishes on Sunday December 1st.


** Worcester City Council press release received 07/11/2019 **

World Car Free Day

Worcester is officially marking World Car Free Day on 22 September by closing Lowesmoor to cars from midday to 3.00pm to hold a special event.

Instead a giant astro turf play area will take over the road and staff from Freedom Leisure will run free multi sports and tennis sessions.

The Duckworth Worcestershire Trust will also be on hand to offer free play sessions and a chance to ‘pimp your bike’ using scrap resources from the Worcestershire Resource Exchange.

Woo Bikes, a city-wide electric bike share scheme, will also be at the event, giving members of the public the chance to try out the bikes.  The scheme was initially piloted with staff and students at the University of Worcester and is now being offered to other employers in the City.

Let's Waste Less volunteers will be present to offer advice on reducing food waste, recycling, composting, Repair Cafes and cloth nappy schemes.

Cllr Joy Squires, Chair of Worcester City Council’s Environment Committee says:

“We are holding this event to raise awareness of the dangers of toxic air and to encourage everyone living, working or visiting Worcester to look at ways they might cut down on car travel.

“As our prosperous city expands, we are determined to ensure that this does not have a detrimental impact on residents or the environment.”

If you would like to volunteer at the event please contact

Free guides to walking and cycling routes in Worcester can be downloaded at:

'The Times' Christmas Advertising!

'The Times' Christmas Advertising'


This year, we have 4 pages booked in The Times 'EAT' magazine for Christmas!

The edition will be going out on 16th November and will feature our fabulous Worcester independent businesses, explaining why shopping in Worcester is so unique compared to any other city.

We will be putting together a spread creating a 'Worcester Christmas Hamper' made up from our wonderful Worcester independents, ensuring all products are exclusively available in Worcester.

We will then be launching a competition to win the 'Worcester Christmas Hamper', with the winner being announced on Small Business Saturday on 7th December.

All we need from you is a product image and a price; the Worcester BID team will then put the hamper together

Please send images to




Christmas Independent Late Night Shopping Event

Christmas Independent Late Night Shopping Event

The Guildhall : Thursday 5th December, 4pm to 9pm

Late night shopping can sometimes be a struggle in Worcester. This year, Worcester BID is enhancing the customer experience of late night shopping by bringing Worcester’s well-loved independents to the High Street for an evening of Christmas shopping, live music and festive drinks.

Tickets to the shopping event will be £3 and proceeds will go to our Worcester Cares charity.

Guests will be greeted with a festive drink and mince pie and will have the opportunity to shop at many favourite Worcester Independents under one roof on the High Street.


This is a free opportunity for our BID businesses; we just need a yes from you and we will reserve your stall pitch!

The event will form part of our 'Small Business Saturday' campaign with supported media through The Worc Social, The Saturday Times, Birmingham Metro, Live 24 7, Newquest and Gloucester Reach.

We want to give our Independents the best chance to trade this Christmas and make the most of the night time economy in a prominent location.

To register for a free stall, please email  



CityNet event welcomes DISC training and more!

This month saw the inaugural CityNet event for both the day and night-time economies and it was fantastic to see it so well received amongst CityNet members and partners. The meeting covered a variety of hot topics, including a demonstration on DISC, free training courses and workshops and an update on the work we are doing on licensed premises.

DISC is CityNet’s new website and mobile app and the event welcomed Charlie Newman, the app developer, who gave a demonstration on how to use the software and how it can be used to benefit our members. It’s our members one-stop shop for reporting incidents of crime to the scheme, browsing prolific offenders, receiving news and alerts, instant messaging each other and submitting public realm reports. DISC also allows members to report crime directly to the Crime Bureau. With reports ranging from theft, violence to begging and street drinking, this app lets users identify problem areas and authorities to combat these issues.

On top of this exciting app, we are now running weekly Safer Business workshops. The workshops are free for Worcester BID and CityNet members and will go through everything needed to help keep customers, staff and businesses safe. Topics covered will include managing conflict, radio operation, DISC, loss prevention and spotting the signs of suspicious behaviour. The training is perfect for any kind of business, whether you are a retailer, bar, restaurant, salon or office, the workshops will give you and your staff the confidence and tools to effectively handle potential situations.

As well as this, Worcester BID is working alongside the West Midlands Counter Terrorism unit to organise ACT Counter Terrorism training. This one-hour session is free for Worcester BID and CityNet members and comes with an online course which gives attendees a nationally recognised accreditation.

Worcester BID also organises free Customer Service and Social Media courses. The customer service courses cover a range of topics, including ‘Customers with Disabilities’ and ‘Principles of Customer Service’ whilst the social media courses can cater for basic and advanced abilities covering any social media platform out there!

As well as training courses, Worcester BID has been working alongside licensees to improve customer experience and safety through Best Bar None. This accreditation looks to reduce alcohol-related crime and disorder by assessing licensed premises on their responsible management. The assessment period has now begun and, since the CityNet meeting, both Slug & Lettuce and Cote Brasserie have achieved accreditation! Several other businesses will now be looking to follow their lead over the next few weeks, and these venues successes will then be celebrated with a high-profile awards night towards the end of the year!

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting, to Charlie Newman from DISC for the wonderful training on the system and to the Guildhall for providing such a beautiful venue. We hope that everyone who attended found the event both informative and useful and we will be looking forward to the next one!

If you would like more information on the topics discussed, please contact James Bell on 01905 731 612 or