Worcester’s independents are the heartbeat of our city and should be celebrated! With a whopping 67% of businesses flying the independent flag, it’s no wonder we’re making waves. Recently, The Telegraph even ranked us as the ninth-best city in the UK, and it’s not hard to see why.

The city’s ranking was determined by various factors, including its rich culture and heritage, where Worcester proudly secured fourth place. This cultural tapestry is woven by the multitude of independent businesses that line its streets, offering everything from artisanal crafts to culinary delights. We’ve got a bit of everything here and our independent businesses play a big part in that. They bring a unique offering to our streets, whether you’re after a quirky gift or a cosy café to unwind in.

But beyond their offerings, independent businesses play a crucial role in supporting our community. When you choose to shop locally, you’re not just making a transaction; you’re investing in the prosperity of our city. Many of our indie heroes are deeply committed to giving back, whether through fundraisers or collaborations with other local businesses to support community initiatives.

We caught up with a few of our Worcester BID member indie retailers to hear what they love about doing business in Worcester and why they chose the city to trade in.

Anja Potze, proprietor of Anja Potze Fine Jewellery nestled on the historic Tudor Street of Friar Street, extolled Worcester’s virtues, stating, ‘With its vibrant history, fantastic transport, and infrastructure, Worcester is a fantastic location for my business to thrive.’ Anja has recently celebrated 30 years of business and we look forward to 30 more on Friar Street!

And then there’s the talented team at Trio, which offers high-quality beauty treatments, from manicures to dermaplaning also situated on Friar Street, who emphasised the significance of community: “It was an easy choice for us to have this beautiful, historic city by the river as TRIO’s home. The community feel is one of the many reasons to visit and reside in Worcester, we wouldn’t be anywhere else!”

Julie Reilly, Owner of Perfections Bridal Studio echoed these sentiments, describing “Worcester is a beautiful location full of history, character, and a thriving business community”. Adding, “it’s a privilege to be located on Friar Street”.

So, here’s to Worcester’s independents who make our city a little more unique every day. Let’s remember to support these local businesses that make Worcester the unique and thriving place that it is. By choosing to shop local, we can all play a part in keeping our high street ticking for generations to come.